Monday, April 27, 2015

Newsletter April 27 - May 1

We have four more weeks left of school.  Three more weeks of spelling words, three more weeks until the 100-book challenge is due (May 15), three more weeks of math homework--we can do anything for 3 or 4 more weeks right?! Please continue to read with your child as next week is our big testing week.  Remember that our class will be tested on Friday, May 8.  I will make pancakes for the class before we test.  Please make sure your child gets a good nights sleep the night before the test :)

We have two fun field trips planned (we were just made aware that we secured buses).  On Thursday, May 14, we will travel to St. George and visit the Children's Museum.  We will leave right at 9:00 a.m. and return by 2:30.  The cost for this field trip is a $1.00 donation.  I will need 3 parents to accompany us on this field trip (you can ride the bus with us). Since we will be there during lunch time, I need to know by Wednesday, at the latest if your child will bring a home lunch or want a school sack lunch.  It truly is easier to have a school lunch, as they pack them, put them in coolers and on the bus etc., but if you would like to send your child with a lunch that day please let me know by Wednesday at the latest.  If I don't hear from you (e-mail me), I will assume that your child will want a school lunch and will order one. The cost for school lunch is $2.00 and it's really quite good.  It will come with a meat sandwich, usually carrot sticks, oranges, and chips and juice and milk. If you want to accompany us on the field trip I can also order an adult lunch.  The cost for an adult lunch is $3.00. 

On Thursday, May 21 we will be going swimming at the Aquatic Center.  We will leave the school at 12:45 and return by 3:30.  The cost for this field trip is a $1.50 donation.  I will NEED 5 parents, or uncles, aunts etc.  to help and be brave and actually get in the pool and swim with the kids.  We cannot go if we do not have a 5 to 1 ratio of adults to students.  You can e-mail me and let me know if you can go with us swimming also.

As you can guess, when I told my students today, they were giddy with excitement! I will send home a permission slip (combination slip) for both of these field trips so that you can remember the donation cost for both of these.  Mrs. Vogel and I would also like to go to the public library the last week of school so that our students can get excited about their Summer Reading program.  I will let you know if and when this materializes. 

We have Field Day on May 15.  The first grade will go up to Canyon Park, and walk the trail, and then play on the playground.  We would like to have a water balloon "fight" also.  If you could help by filling up water balloons and then bring them to the park that would be wonderful.  We will have field day in the morning.  After the field trip, we will have a school wide BBQ.

This week I will finish off Unit 11 in math (three-dimensional shapes) and test next Monday, May 4.  I will start Unit 12 next Tuesday.  That is a longer chapter, but my plan is to have that complete and the test taken by May 15.  I may have to combine two lessons a day, but will only send home one sheet of homework if that is the case.  I will send home spelling lists for the next three weeks and on Friday I will send home a May Reading Record.  It will be due on May 15, and will be worth 50 points this time.  The April Reading Record is due this Friday.  I give the students that turn in their reading records a certificate and a little treat.  I have had these trickle in.  I will only give an April certificate and treat if those records are turned in by Wednesday , May 6.  I will still give points for those that trickle in after that date, but I will not give out a certificate and a treat.

Happy Reading!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Newsletter April 20 - 24

Congratulations to the first three students that have read 100 books!  Zoie, Jordan, and Nash have all read over 100 books and will have their pictures submitted to the Iron County Today newspaper as well as participate in our 100-book challenge celebration.  The deadline for this challenge is May 15.  If you started when I sent home the first notice, your child had ample time to complete 100 books and then some :)

Speaking of books--again remember that the Take-Home Library will stop on May 8.  If your child's take-home book has been lost, it will be a $5.00 replacement fee.  All library books will be due on May 15.  All students that return their library books by that date, or pay the replacement fee will receive a free book to take home.  Every year we have so many books that are not returned to the library.  Please look under beds and behind dressers or under car seats for your child's missing library books.

On Thursday, we will be walking to SUU for Bard's Birthday Bash.  We will leave East Elementary at 12:20 and return by 3:00.  If any of you would like to walk over there with us, you are welcome to join us.  Please watch the weather--if it is snowing or raining the event will be cancelled.  If it is chilly, please send a jacket with your child.

Our DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) test on Friday, May 8.  On Wednesday, please watch for a note to come home giving you some tips on helping your child with this test.  I have a few students who are just barely below where they need to be in fluency or nonsense words and/or both.  Please help your child out by practicing the sight words, and/or fluency passages that I send home with that note.  Consider a little "Literacy BootCamp"--of course, the best thing you could have been doing with your child all year is reading every night with your child.  This will be a necessary skill throughout their days in school.  Reading every night is critical! (Have I stressed that enough yet :)) On that Friday, I like to make pancakes for my students that morning.  If you could help by sending some apple juice (I have cups) I would appreciate it.

 I will test on Unit 10 in Math on Thursday before we go on our Field Trip and begin Unit 11 on Friday.  Thanks for helping your child keep up on their homework.

Happy Reading!!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Newsletter April 13 - 17

Today we started  Unit 10 in math.  It is a graphing and interpreting data unit.  I will be cruising through the next three units so that we can complete them before school gets out for the summer.  Expect that your child will have homework most days in math.  I plan on testing on Unit 10 next Thursday, April 23.

April 23 is a big day--we will also be going on a walking field trip that day to SUU for Bard's Birthday Bash.  We will leave from East right after lunch at 12:15 pm and return at approximately 3:00 pm.  This is a fun outdoor activity celebrating Shakespeare's life. The students will participate in Maypole, joisting, and tug-o- war, acting out a scene in the outdoor theater and enjoying cake with the "queen".  I will not send home a permission slip, but as always if you do not want your child to participate in this field trip please let me know.

Today I sent home April's Scholastic book order.  It will be due this Friday, April 17.  Use the online code on the attached note for ease of ordering.

I know we are down to the wire, but please continue to read nightly with your child.  Remember our DIBELS testing is May 8 and our 100-book challenge ends on May 15.  Our Take-Home Library will stop with book delivery on May 8.  That is only 19 more days for the take-home library.  The amount of books that are returning each day from the take-home library are very few.  Please take advantage of this and work hard for at least 19 more days :).

Have a wonderful week and Happy Reading!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Newsletter April 6 - 10

I hope that you all had a restful or eventful Spring Break.  We have 7 more weeks left of school.  It will fly by! We had a wonderful time at our Easter Egg hunt--thank you for coming through with eggs.  Each child was able to collect 18 eggs.  Thanks to those parents that helped deliver the eggs and to help "hide" them for us.

The March Reading record is now due.  I sent home the April Reading Record home today.  Our final DIBELS testing will be the first week in May, so reading at home will give your child one final push, one final help for that test.  Remember also to continue reading towards our 100-book challenge.  Your child still has six weeks left to complete that challenge.

This Wednesday, we will be walking to SUU for the Playmakers production of "Honk" (based on the story "The Ugly Duckling").  The cost for this field trip is a $1.00 donation.  I sent home a permission slip today--please send that back with the $1.00 donation by this Wednesday.  The weather may be chilly, please dress your child appropriately as we will be walking.

This year the PTA is sponsoring a Talent Show.  Rather than have the Talent Show during school hours they are having it Friday night, April 10.  This time is still tentative, but Mr. Moyle told us in an announcement this morning that it will probably be at 6:00 pm.  Your child needed to turn in a registration form in order to participate.  The deadline for that registration form has passed.

We are still finishing up on Unit 9 in math.  I will review tomorrow in class and test on Thursday.  Math homework will be sent home just Monday and Tuesday this week, so your child will have more time to read!