Monday, December 14, 2015

Newsletter December 14 - 18

Take-home books did not get switched today.  Please take some time to read other texts or practice sight words tonight.  Your child should be ready to pass off List #4 this week if they haven't already.  Speaking of "books", I will not send home take-home books this Friday and on Thursday please help your child to remember to return both of their library books.  They will not check out new books that day, but please return their books.  With a two week break, many books get lost so I wanted to try and avoid that by not sending home new take-home books or library books.  If you can find the time over the break  continue to read with your child.  We will have our second DIBELS testing on Friday, January 15.

One more thing about take-home books.  I guess for the last few days the "blue slips" have not been included in the bag.  Thank you for continuing to reread these texts three times with or without a "blue slip".  If that happens though, if you just initial the pink paper enclosed that will be good enough.  Thank you!!

Here is our schedule for this last week of school in 2015:

  • Gingerbread houses will be assembled on Thursday, December 17 starting at 12:45.  If you haven't sent the item I asked for please send it by Wednesday, December 16 so I will know if we have what we need.  If you would like to help, please send me an e-mail.  I would love to have helpers.
  • The morning of our Gingerbread houses all students will be attending a Christmas movie showing in the gym.  First grade will go at 9:30.  
  • I will also squeeze in a math test on Thursday.  The math homework packet for Chapter 5 is due then too!
  • On Friday, December 18, Mrs. Vogel and I will join forces for Pancakes and Polar Express.  We will make pancakes for our kids in the morning and watch Polar Express snippets throughout the day.  At 2:20 on Friday, the entire school will join in a rousing Christmas Sing.  We will still squeeze in a bit of learning about Ancient Egypt and having regular reading groups everyday except for Thursday :) I will send home our "fragile, secret gift" with your child on Friday.  They have had fun making these.  Thank you to those who helped by sending 50 cents with your child.  
Have a wonderful holiday break!  Be safe with your loved ones!  We'll be back ready to learn and teach in 2016! 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Newsletter December 7 - 11

We are busy working through Chapter 5 in math.  Today we completed Lesson 5.5  I didn't send home a schedule this time.  The packet will be due by Thursday, December 17, the same day we will have our test for that chapter. 

December 17 will be a fun, busy day.  I have decided to change the Gingerbread house activity to Thursday, December 17 at 12:45 pm.  That way I can set up at lunchtime.  I will send home a note tomorrow asking for specific donations.  If you find anything that you think would be a fabulous addition for gingerbread house decorating you are welcome to send that also.  Thank you so much for making this activity possible.  I can use any volunteers that would like to help that day.  Let me know if you can come and help.  The more the merrier!

Thank you to those that have sent in 50 cents for our "secret gift".  We will start those this week and they will come home with your child next week.  Thank you too if you helped your child find a job to do to earn the money. 

In reading,  we are now learning the spellings for vowel combinations.  Two letters that work together to create one sound.  Today we learned about the /aw/ (sound) as in paw and how to spell it.  We have also learned about both sounds for the spelling "oo", and the /ou/ sound and spelling like in shout.  These sounds and spellings are reinforced through reading and writing, and the students read from a student reader everyday using those "newly" learned skills.  I am excited about the progress I am witnessing.  Please help your child with the spelling lists that I send home.  Today we took Spelling Test #3.  Some students struggled a bit, some due to absences, but others just need extra practice at home. 

In the listening portion of our reading program, we are continuing our study of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt.  Today we learned about hieroglyphics and papyrus and why writing was important for the Ancient Egyptians as well as for us today.  I love that my little 6/7 year-olds are learning such high- level vocabulary and information about the world around us.

This time of year is so fun and magical in first grade.  I just love it. 

Happy Reading!

Monday, November 30, 2015

Newsletter November 30 - December 4

I hope that you all had a nice Thanksgiving break.  It seems that a few sicknesses are going around as we had several students absent today. It was nice to see my cute first graders back though! We took our second spelling test today.  I will send home a new spelling list tomorrow.  The test for that list will be on Monday, December 7.  Please help your child study those spelling words at home.  The spelling patterns should be familiar, but with some students being absent, and with the test being after a weekend, help at home would be beneficial. 

Today we started into Chapter 5 in our GoMath books.  This chapter deals with Addition and Subtraction relationships.  I think that the homework pages are fairly self-explanatory for this chapter so I will not send home a "hint" sheet.  Of course, if you need some clarification, please don't hesitate to e-mail with questions.  The math homework packet came home with your child today.  It will be due on Wednesday, December 17.  I will send home a schedule tomorrow.  I didn't get a chance to attach them before the school day ended.

The PTA November reading calendars (yellow paper) are due tomorrow.  Please help your child to fill out that calendar and tally the number of minutes.  That calendar counts for 50 points and the PTA will provide prizes for minutes read and I will award each returned calendar with a certificate and small treat. 

With Christmas just around the corner, I wanted to make you aware of a couple of activities we will do in our classroom.  On Wednesday, December 16 at 10:00 a.m. we will make Gingerbread houses out of graham crackers.  I will send home a note about this in a few days, and will also ask for donations (supplies for the houses).  These donations are optional, but anything you can help with would be appreciated! I could use parent volunteers that day.  The more the merrier!!  We will also be making a "secret gift".  I will encourage my students to help earn 50 cents for this gift.  If you could help find a small job that they could complete at home and then send 50 cents for that "secret gift" I would appreciate that also. 

I will send home a grade printout by Thursday.  Some of my students are finding it hard to complete their morning work.  If this is the case, for your child, I will send home the unfinished assignments to complete at home.  I don't expect all of it to be done in one night, but helping them complete these assignments would be helpful.

Please study the sight words with your child.  They should have passed off at minimum right now List #3. The more sight words they know automatically the faster reader they will become.  If they have to stop at every little word to try and "sound it out" then, their comprehension of the text also suffers.  It shouldn't take more than a few minutes every night.  Make sight word practice a habit.

Happy Reading!  (and rereading:)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Newsletter November 23 - 27

Just a few notes for our short week:

  • Tomorrow is our pajama day and read-a-thon.  Students can wear their pajamas all day, bring a blanket, stuffed animal or small pillow (they will not be allowed in the classroom until our read-a-thon).  Our read-a-thon will begin at 2:00 followed by a little Thanksgiving activity.  We will be making "turkey" cookies out of Oreos.  Thanks for those who have helped send supplies.
  • Math Chapter 4 Homework packet is due.  I had two turned in without names.  I will send home a grade print-out early next week, so please check and make sure your child has that packet turned in and let me know if they don't so that I can figure out whose assignments are missing.
  • I will send home sight word lists (#2 and #3) with students who have not passed them off tomorrow.  I will start testing on List #3 when we return from our Thanksgiving break. 
  •  Our next spelling test will be the day we get back from Thanksgiving break.  I sent home the list of words several days ago.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.  Travel safely!  One of the things that I am most thankful for is my 23 darling first graders that I have the privilege of teaching everyday! 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Newsletter November 16 - 20

Snow has arrived!  I think the snow can cause "spring fever" behavior more than spring weather can.  We had all breaks inside today, but if snow is not falling from the sky the students will be expected to go outside for break.  Please send warm, appropriate clothing with your child when the weather is snowy, cold, windy, etc.

This Wednesday, we will have a spelling test.  I sent home the list of words last week, with a note on the top stating that we will have a test on Wednesday, November 18.  We learned about all of those spelling patterns in our last unit, so the patterns should be very familiar to your child, but studying at home may be helpful for some students. The Scholastic book order is also due this Wednesday, please order online if possible (that's the easiest way), or you can send the order form back with one check made out to Scholastic.  I will be happy to "hide" these books for Christmas if you would like me to.

If you want to brave the weather tonight, the PTA is hosting a fundraiser at both Dairy Queen locations from 6:00 - 9:00.  A proceed of all sales will go to East Elementary.

We have started a new unit in Reading.  The subject is Early World Civilizations.  We are specifically learning about Mesopotamia (Middle East region) and Ancient Egypt.  I love that this new reading program encourages learning that may seem far above that of a first grader.  I am learning things right along with them.  At the end of the unit we will learn about world religions--Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.  The lessons in no way "preach" those religions, but rather give students  knowledge and understanding about those different religions.

Next week,  the day before we dismiss for the Thanksgiving break. We will have a pajama day/read-a-thon.  That will start at about 2:00.  We will also make "turkey cookies" out of oreo cookies.  If you signed up to help for our Thanksgiving party I will contact you via e-mail and ask you to send something for those cookies if possible.  For the read-a-thon, your child can bring books to read (though I have many books in my classroom), a blanket, or a stuffed animal to read to.  These items will need to stay in their backpacks though during the day, so take that into account.

Happy Reading!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Newsletter November 9 - 13

Today we started Unit 4 in math on subtraction strategies.  I will send home a "help sheet" tomorrow so that you can help with the homework more efficiently.  Today the strategy was "count back", which I feel is self-explanatory so that is why the helps will come home tomorrow (and they aren't done yet)! :) We will finish up with this unit before the Thanksgiving  break.  The packet will be due on Monday, November 23.  The homework packet for Math Chapter 3 is already late.  Please help your child remember to bring that back.

I will send home another Scholastic book order by this Wednesday.  It will be due by Wednesday, November 18.  These next two orders have Christmas books.  If you would like me to save any books for gifts I would be happy to do that for you.  Just let me know.

Today your child came home with a username and password for a computer program called Raz-Kids.  Please consider allowing your child to get on the computer at home and have fun learning with this program.  Some of our trust lands money was allotted for this program.  We will sometimes use this program in class, but it's primarily an at home program, as we are already using program at school called Imagine Learning. If you have any questions about Raz-Kids please don't hesitate to ask and I'll find out the answer.

The PTA has two activities or fundraisers coming up.  One is the Dairy Queen fundraiser on November 16.  Please consider eating at either Dairy Queen location that night or get an ice cream treat.  If you mention East Elementary a portion of your bill will be given to our school.  The other activity sponsored by our PTA is a  Read-a-thon/Pajama party.  That will be held on Tuesday, November 24 (the day before the break).  Your child can wear their pajamas all day, bring a blanket, books to read, or stuffed animal to read to.  We will have that read-a-thon in conjunction with our Thanksgiving party where we will make "turkey cookies" out of oreos.  I will send home more information about that at a later date. 

Don't stop reading every night with your child and sending back their take-home books daily!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Newsletter November 2 - 6

Today we have our first grade awards program.  Congratulations to our two Catch the Vision award winners: Nick and Takiya!  Congrats to those children who received and excellent attendance or perfect attendance award.  Thank you parents for getting your parents here to school and on time! 

This Thursday, we will be walking over to the Paiute Tribal building.  We will leave her at 1:00 and be back by 3:00.  Please make sure your child comes to school that day with a jacket or coat and good walking shoes.  Actually please watch the weather daily and make sure your child is dressed appropriately as they will go outside for break most days.

The October PTA reading calendar is now due!   It is on orange paper.  Please tally up the minutes your child has read and make sure that an adult signs it and that your child's name is on it.  For every 500 minutes read your child will receive a prize provided by the PTA.  The calendar is also worth 50 points.  I sent home a new November reading calendar yesterday.  It is on yellow paper.

This week I will continue to test all students who have not passed off Sight word List #2 yet.  Please help your child with these lists!  I will test on Sight Word List #3 starting on November 30. 

Today we finished up Chapter 3 in Math.  Tomorrow we will review and I will test on both Thursday and Friday.  The homework packet for Chapter 3 is due on Thursday, November 5.  Please make sure that you remind your child to put their name on their packet! We will start Chapter 4 next Monday.

We have library every Thursday.  Please look for lost books is necessary so that you child can check out new books every time we go to the library. 

I hope that you all saw your child's grade print out from quarter 1.  If you have any questions about that please send me an e-mail. 

Happy Reading!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

It's Red Ribbon Week!  I hope that you all saw the flier I sent home last Friday outlining this "Say No to Drugs" week.  Today the students signed a pledge to be "Drug Free" and were given a red wristband.  They are encouraged to try and keep that red wrist band on all week.  We were privileged to hear two presentations about the benefits of being drug free and resiliency.  Ask your child about the balloon analogy presented by Mr. Loveless. Tomorrow your child can dress up as  "hero".  Please talk with your child about what a hero really is (this isn't just a day to dress up in their Halloween costume).  On Wednesday, we all are encouraged to wear red. The essay/art contest is optional, but is due on Thursday.

Last Friday, I also sent home a detailed explanation page about addition strategies.   I hope that this is/was helpful to you as you help your child complete their nightly math homework.  Remember that the Chapter 3 math homework packet is due, Thursday, November 5.

Today begins our second quarter of school.  I will no longer accept late work from quarter one.  I will print off grades and send them home with your child by this Thursday. 

Please continue to be diligent in reading your child's take-home book with them EVERY night.  If you child hasn't passed of sight word List #2, then please make sure they have that ready to pass off by Monday, November 2.  I will test all of my students that day.

Our second annual Halloween costume parade will be this Friday, October 30 at 2:00 pm. You are welcome to come and watch the parade.  Last year the parents were able to sit in the lunchroom as the children paraded through.  I am assuming that we are following that same route, though I haven't heard for sure.  Your child can come to school that day dressed in their costumes. Masks, weapons, or blood and gore are not allowed. 

Have a great week and Happy Reading!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Newsletter October 12 - 16

This Thursday, our class, along with Mrs. Vogel's class will be walking to SUU for a field trip to the Braithwaite Art Gallery and Frehner Museum of Natural History.  We will leave here right after lunch at approximately 12:40 pm and return just before the bell rings at 3:30 pm.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the weather and for walking.  If you did not sign a field trip permission slip at the beginning of the year for your child I will send one home tomorrow.  We are not required to send a separate field trip permission slip home every time now, just one for the entire year.  But, you can always opt out of any field trip, just let me know. If any of you would like to walk with us to SUU, I'd love and appreciate the help.  Let me know if you want to go with us this Thursday. The math homework schedule will be off a day because of this field trip.  We will not complete Lesson 3.5 in class that day, but rather we will complete it on Friday. We will also not have our regular library day this Thursday, but you can still send your child's library books back with them.  Our regular library day will be next Thursday, after we resume from the Fall break.

This Friday is the PTA Walk-a-Thon.  This year it looks like a few "celebrities" will be joining us in our walk around the school.  This is a fundraiser for our school and will help to purchase a new mobile sound system.  I sent home an information packet yesterday.   Your child can collect pledges for each lap walked, or they can collect just a flat dollar amount.  Please encourage your child to help collect pledges (not door to door without an adult present), and return the envelope with the pledges by Friday, October 16.  Again like with the field trip, make sure that your child is dressed for the weather and the conditons.

I will place the Scholastic book order tomorrow.  You can still place an online order today if you haven't done that yet.

I started testing those that haven't passed off Sight Word List #1 today.  Please help your child with the sight word lists at night.  Even if you spend only a few minutes each night that will be so beneficial to your child's reading fluency.  They won't have to stop and think about every word they read if the sight words become fairly automatic.

Many students are NOT reading their take-home books each night.  Please make this a habit with your child.  I try to limit homework each night so that this can be accomplished.  I only ask that your child reads to you for 15 minutes each night.  If they read their leveled take-home book three times as I require then those 15 minutes will easily be reached every night.  I have some parent volunteers that help read take-home books with children that don't read them the night before, but I would rather have all students reading their take-home books at home and then having my wonderful parent reading volunteers helping with other reading activities (nonsense word practice, fluency work etc.). 

I hope that you are taking advantage of our new drop-off and pick up location on Center street (north parking lot by the flag pole).  This is the safest and most efficient place to pick up or drop of your child.  I will be happy to take your child there if this is not a normal pick up place until they are familiar with it.  Let me know if you'd like me to do that.

First quarter ends on Friday, October 23.  I will not accept any late work after that date.  I can't believe have fast this year is flying by.  I hope that you all have a wonderful Fall Break.

Don't forget to read with your child!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Newsletter October 5 - October 9

The north parking lot, parent pick-up spot is up and running.  If you pick up your child from school please use this new spot to pick up your child.  It is very efficient and much safer for your child.  Please do not pick up your child on 200 East by the buses or use the South parking lot back by the kindergarten doors. If you would like me to walk your child to this new pick-up spot I would be happy to do that for the first couple of days.  Let me know and I will have your child there after school.  Thank you for changing and helping to create a more efficient and safe pick-up spot for our children.

Today we made our "apple head" witches.  They are "wrinkling" up now on our windowsill.  If you did not send an apple and would like to send 50 cents to cover the extra apples I supplied that would be great.  Thanks to all those who sent apples!

Tomorrow we will start Unit 3 in math.  This chapter will concentrate on a variety of addition strategies.  I was pleased with the results from our Chapter 2 math test.  Watch for that test to come home with your child.  Remember that I have my daughter help with test corrections so that each student will realize why they missed a particular problem.  It will look like your child got 100% on the test, but actually they just corrected their mistakes.  I keep the score that they originally got as their grade.  Watch for the Chapter 3 Math Homework packet.  It will come home on Thursday and will be due on Thursday, November 5.

I hope with the time off from math homework that you are taking advantage of those extra minutes and reading more diligently with your child and helping them practice their sight words.  I will test all students on Sight Word List #1 on October 13th.  The October Scholastic book order that I sent home on Monday will also be due that day.  Most of you are making sure that your child is rereading their take-home books three times each night.  Thank you!! Please help your child with this every night if you have neglected this frequently. 

More reading information:  The PTA reading calendar (pink sheet) is due by the  this Friday, October 10th. Those kids that reach the reading goal will receive a small prize from the PTA.  I have asked them to modify that goal for our class since I only expect 15 minutes of reading each school night.  That reading calendar is also worth 50 points in my class and I will send it home with a certificate and a little treat.  I will not give a certificate and little treat after Friday.

Halloween is just around the corner.  Last year was the first time that East Elementary has had a costume parade.  It was so much fun.  Details about that and Red Ribbon week which will be held during the week of Halloween will be upcoming.

Happy Reading!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Newsletter September 28 - October 2

We are sure having a great time learning about our body systems.  So far we have learned about our skeletal, muscular, digestive, and circulatory systems.  On Wednesday we will learn about our Nervous system.  It's amazing what my little first graders can absorb and learn.  I hope that they are sharing with you some of the things we are learning about our bodies.

I hope that your child is working on their Math Chapter 2 homework packet.  That will be due on Monday, October 5.  October 5 is the day I will administer the test for Chapter 2.

Mrs. Vogel and I work closely together and we have decided that for a portion of our reading block we are going to combine students into groups that will be more beneficial for their learning.  Some of my students will go over to Mrs. Vogel's classroom and some of her students will come over here.  We will do this daily from 10:30-11:00.  They will be reading from the text from our reading program at a pace that is at each child's level.  We feel this will be a benefit to all of our students.  These groups will be fluid, that is, we will change students when the need arises to best meet all of our students' needs.

To encourage more  with sight word practice, I will test on Sight Word List #1 on October 12.  Please practice the sight words and phrases with your child every night for a few minutes so every student can pass of Sight Word List #1 by October 12.  You can pass off these lists quicker than I outline, but I want to encourage all of my students to pass off all 11 lists before they leave first grade.

We will be doing a Halloween art project and each child needs an apple for that project.  Could you please send an apple with your child by Monday, October 5.  It can be any kind, or color, the bigger the apple the better :)

Thank you for making time to visit with me this week.  I look forward to this week.  Please continue to contact me anytime with questions or concerns.

Happy Reading!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Newsletter September 21 - 25

Next week is SEP week (parent teacher conferences).  I sent home an appointment time today.  It is on green paper.  Please let me know if you will be able to make your appointed time ASAP (tomorrow would be great).  If you can't make the time please put another time or day that will work and I will try and accommodate that for you.  The best way to reschedule is through e-mail, but I will or course take a phone call or note to reschedule.  I look forward to meeting with all of you next week.  School will dismiss everyday next day at 2:30 p.m. including Wednesday.

Our first math test last was week.  Most of my students did very well.  If you child misses any problems I will have my daughter, Miss Katelyn, help with test corrections.  If your child's test is scored below 100% and it looks like they got every question correct, that is because Katelyn helped them figure out why they missed the answer and then they will correct it on the test sheet.  I do not change their score for the test.

Most of you are reading your take-home books with your child every night three times.  Thank you so much for that extra effort.  If a child doesn't read their book I  try to have a reading aide listen to them read the book  the following day , but some days I do not have an extra set of hands so your child will possibly miss recess to read it (or another similar book on their level).  If I cannot get to it your child will miss their 5 points for the day.  That will add up, but most importantly your child will not be getting the extra reading they need in order to become a more fluent reader.  I appreciate your help with this, I know it takes effort and sometimes prodding.  Just last night my son who is much older than a first grader said, "I hate the person that invented reading!" So, I understand how sometimes reading every night can be difficult, but I so appreciate your help and consistency.  It will pay off!!

I have had a couple of students turn in their yellow slips in order to "pass off" their sight words.  Please practice the sight word lists I sent home every night with your child also.  You don't have to spend more than a couple of minutes practicing the sight words, but making them automatic is helpful, even if it's just a couple of words a night.  When your child is ready to pass off a particular list of words, just send back the yellow slip signed and I will send them  another list.

I just received our school pictures in my box.  I will send those home tomorrow.  If you would like your child's picture retaken, that date will be October 9.

Happy Reading!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Newsletter September 14 - 18

Today we started with the Take-Home library books.  This year I am going to require that the take-home book be read every night three times.  In the bag today I sent a detailed note explaining how I would like you to help out with this opportunity to read with your child.  If you have any questions please send me an e-mail and I will be happy to help answer any questions or concerns.

I also sent home sight words and phrases today in your child's homework folder.  I didn't get a chance to explain to my students about these words, but I did also include a note along with the words and phrases explaining it to you.  I will explain it to the kids tomorrow.  Include sight word practice in your 15 minutes of  nightly reading time.  This helps with your child's accuracy and speed in reading immensely.

Today the homework packet for Math Chapter 1 was due.  If you didn't help your child  remember to turn it in today, please help them remember and get it turned in ASAP.  I will be sending home a packet for Chapter 2 this Thursday along with a schedule of the lessons and a due date. 

The Scholastic book order that I sent home last week is due tomorrow, September 15.  You can order online or send in the order with one check made out to Scholastic.

The PTA reminded us at our last assembly that the end of the quarter is coming up.  We are about half-way through.  They are having a contest for Box Tops.  The class that collects the most Box Tops by the end of the quarter will receive a root beer float party.  You can find "box tops" on a variety of food items (cereal, granola bars, Gogurts etc.)--just cut them out and return them to our classroom to help our school.

With the end of the quarter around the corner, I wanted to give you a heads up about SEP conferences.  Those conferences will be held the last week of September--September 28 - October 2.  I will schedule 15 minute conferences and will accommodate siblings so that you will not have to come to the school more than one day.  Watch for a note to come home in the next week or two with your scheduled appointment time.  School that week will dismiss at 2:30 everyday including Wednesday. 

Tomorrow we will start reading groups and reading intervention groups.  I have tried to inform you by e-mail if your child will be attending a reading intervention group along with the reading instruction that occurs in our classroom.  Thank you to those that have volunteered to help with reading in our classroom.  If you would like to help and didn't sign up and Back to School night you are more than welcome to start helping.  Just let me know and we can figure the best day and time for you to help out. 

Happy Reading!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Newsletter September 8 - 11

I hope that you all had a nice three day weekend.  I heard many stories of visits to the Iron County Fair this weekend.

Today I sent home several papers from the reading practice book.  Many of these papers are short stories that would be perfect to use for reading at home with your child.  Remember that you were given a pink reading calendar on September 1st and I now expect that you read with your child each night for about 15 minutes. If you choose to read these stories have your child reread them until they become fluent.  That means that they shouldn't be sounding out every word.  It is beneficial to reread the same text.  You will also find a worksheet labeled 11.3.  Please complete this with your child, it does not have to be returned, but you can count it as part of all of the nightly reading. I sent home also a paper marked 7b-1.  This is a note about what we will be discussing and learning about in the "Listening and Learning" section of the reading program.  We have already listened to "The Little Half-Chick" and the "Noisy Crowded House" and discussed the lessons learned through these folktales.  Last week we took a quiz on the fables we have learned about and most of my students got every fable correct.  That quiz is in your child's folder today.

Speaking of folders, please send your homework folder back with your child everyday.  Most of you are doing that.  I appreciate it.  Some days there won't be anything in them, but like today there are several papers, that need to go home.  Using the folder as you know keeps those important papers together.

Today please look for the Scholastic Reading fliers.  I sent the September book orders home along with a note.  Those orders will be due, on Tuesday, September 15.  The easiest way to order books is to use our class code that I provided on the note, but you can also send back the order with a check made out to Scholastic.  You do not need to send more than one check even if you place an order from the two different catalogs.  You can also find the code on the right sidebar of this blog (it will be permanently posted there).  Of course, ordering books through Scholastic is an optional thing, but it's a great way to get wonderful titles in your home.  Most of the time there are books for just $1.00.  Ordering books too gets us more titles for our classroom.

We finished our beginning of the year reading assessments today.  I am hoping that we can start differentiated reading groups next Monday, September 14. That will depend on if the reading specialist and her wonderful aides, are able to meet with us (the first grade teachers) and we can place all students in an appropriate group.  If your child will benefit from a reading intervention group, I will inform you of that action. I had several volunteers sign up for reading help.  If the reading groups are set up next week, which I think they will be, then I would like you to start next week. I will e-mail you privately and remind you of the day and the time that you signed up to help.  This will help me greatly!  If you didn't sign up at Back-to-School night and would like to now help please let me know.  I will need help everyday from 9:45-10:30.

We are  a lesson behind schedule in math.  On the schedule stapled to your child's folder, it states that homework for tonight will be 1.7.  We completed 1.6 today in class. You can just back up one day on that schedule.  The packets will still be due, on Monday, September 14.  We will test on Wednesday, September 16.

If you haven't returned the Take-home library permission slip please do that ASAP.  If you need another one let me know and I will send it with your child (it is on bright orange paper).  I want to start that this next Monday, September 14.  I will include more detailed instructions on how that works in next week's newsletter.

We are happy that Kollen will return to our class tomorrow.  He attended the first day, but then after a short "move" has returned to East Elementary. We now have 23 students in our class.  Thanks again for sending morning snacks and for helping your child succeed in school.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Newsletter August 31- September 4

This is and will continue to be a week full of assessments.  We are assessing using our new reading program to accurately place students in the program.  The reading aides are also testing the students using two tests, DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) and ERI (Early Reading Inventory).  These assessments will help to place students in reading groups that are appropriate for every child's level.  I will send the results of these tests home after we have taken them all.  We take the ERI this Thursday, and the DIBELS next Tuesday.  I am assessing all students in my classroom using the assessments provided with our new reading program.

Today I sent home the first Reading calendar.  It is pink and it will count for our classroom home reading minutes as well as for PTA incentives.  I would ask that you read with your child for 15 minutes 5 times per week.  Please record the minutes read on the calendar and return on October 1.  I will count home reading as part of your child's grade.  It will count as 100 points per month (5 pts. each day read).  Our take-home library should be starting in a couple of weeks, until then please choose books that you have at home or visit the public library for books to read. 

You should be working on math practice sheets with your child most nights.  We usually get through on lesson a day except for Wednesdays.  Today we worked on lesson 1.4 (which is pretty tricky).  It's a hard concept for most first graders to understand the "missing part". The homework packet will be due on September 14.  I would recommend that you don't go ahead if possible because you and your child may be frustrated as the concepts haven't been taught in class yet, and also don't get behind so that you are rushing through the assignments the day before they are due.

Most of the literacy "homework" pages do not need to be returned, but I really hope you are taking advantage of those activities.  You can count those activities as part of your child's 15 minutes of reading if you are helping them (sight words, building words etc.). 

I am working on getting all of your e-mails to Mr. Moyle.  That is the way he contacts parents for school-wide information. If you are not receiving information from the school through Mr. Moyle please let me know and I will make sure he has your correct e-mail address.

School pictures are this Friday, September 4.  All students will get their pictures taken, but you do not need to pay for a package.  If you would like prints you can send the envelope back with a check made out to Lifetouch, or as I mentioned before pay online using the code found on the brochure.

If you haven't signed up for text notifications please do that soon (now would be great).  I sent home a note today (on yellow paper) with the information you will need to sign up for text notifications. 

I appreciate all that you do to help your child as he or she progresses through first grade.  I hope that they are telling you about what they are learning.  Maybe ask them about the fables they have heard recently and the lessons we have learned from them. 

It was nice to see some of you at the PTA luau last night.  We have a great school environment, wonderful teachers and students. Thank you for sending snacks for our morning recess.  I have a few open slots so if you haven't sent a snack or want to send another one let me know and I can give you another date or you can just send another snack with your child and that can fill in on a date that hasn't been taken yet.  Have a wonderful week!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Newsletter August 24 - 28

Our first Monday was a success!  Actually our first three days have been wonderful.  I have terrific, awesome, fabulous First Graders.  This is going to be a great year!

We have been working on how to be a "helpful student" and have gone over classroom rules, our management system, and many procedures that will be continuously reinforced throughout the year.  Today we got started with our new reading program.  There are two components, one the "Skills section" where students "learn to read" and the second the, "Listening and Learning section" where comprehension, vocabulary, and learning about our world is taught.  In the skills section we are mostly reviewing sound/letter recognition for the first few lessons, and then starting with lesson 6 the students will be assessed so that their needs can be met best using this program.  In the Listening section we are learning about and listening to Aesop fables.  Today we listened to and learned about the fable: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf".  Talk to your kids about this fable and ask them if they can remember the moral of the story. 

Homework will begin with this reading program starting this week.  I have included on the right-hand sidebar of this blog a schedule of homework for literacy.  I will put the number of each lesson and whether or not your child needs to return the homework the next day.   I encourage you to complete the homework that does not need to be returned.  Most of those are sight words or word work activities that are very helpful for your child.  I will start requiring nightly reading in September when the take-home library gets started.  I would love it if you were already in the habit of reading with your child every night!

We also started right into our Go Math books today.  I sent home a packet of math practice pages (Unit 1) today.  Please do not start that until this Wednesday!! You will also see on the right-hand sidebar a schedule for our math homework.  Please do not work ahead or your child will be frustrated as we will not have completed the assignment in class.  That packet will be due the day before we test.  I plan on testing on Unit 1 on Tuesday, September 8.  I will let you know if that changes as possibly I may need to slow down based on my students grasp of the concepts.

Please make sure that you look in your child's homework folder daily.  I don't  put in notes or homework assignments everyday, but please make it a habit of checking it everyday and sending it back with your child everyday!  If you haven't signed the notes from the first day (internet, safe schools, field trip, PTA etc. please do so ASAP).

Our Fall picture day is Friday, September 4.  You can send a check with your child in the envelope provided (I sent that home today), or you can pay online using our code UM375015Q0.  That code is also on the information sheet I sent home.

I have 11 of you signed up for REMIND--this is the medium I will use to send home reminders, or short bits of information.  If you have not signed up and have a smartphone please text to 81010 with the message @ad0ed (that is a number zero).  You will receive a text message back that you have been added to my class. 

Thanks to those that have sent snacks for my  hungry first graders, and for those of you that have sent extra supplies. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me.  Have a wonderful week!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Newsletter May 18 - 22

We made it.  It's the last week of school.  I love summer weather, but always feel a little melancholy when I close my classroom door on the last day of school.  Thank you for having wonderful children and sharing them with me this year.  This has been a remarkable class of kids and I will miss them dearly.

We are having a fun week.  Yesterday, we had our reading reward assembly provided by our wonderful PTA.  We watched a fun assembly of juggling, jokes and balloon animals.  Today we made up our rained out field day (in between small sprinkles again).  We walked up to the Canyon park, and then played on the playground followed by a water balloon "toss" and launch. Thanks to Ben's mom, Dante's mom, and Kaden's mom for filling up and supplying water balloons for this activity.  This afternoon we visited the library in the park, and took a tour and got excited about the library's summer reading program.  Tomorrow we will watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Mrs. Vogel's class.  On Thursday, we will go to the school-wide "reward" movie in the morning and the aquatic center in the afternoon (I will send home a note tomorrow about the aquatic center). On Friday, we have our final assembly and autograph signing day, as well as clearing out our room.  School dismisses at 2:30 on Friday.

A note about the "reward" movie.  This year those students that have not returned their library books, or take-home book, or have an outstanding lunch balance will NOT be able to go to the movie, but will rather go to a reading group that morning.  Please make sure that your child turns finds their
 book (s) and/or pays their lunch account if necessary. They will also not receive their promotion cards and teacher placement for next year until these books are returned or the lunch account is settled.

On the last day of school I will send home promotion cards and your child's 4th quarter grades and reading test scores.  I will send it home in a big envelope so watch for that. 

Today I sent home lanyards about the "Unplugged" summer program.  This looks like a wonderful opportunity to keep your kids active and entertained over the summer.  You can log on and register for the program using the website on the back of the lanyard card.

Congratulations to these 11 students that read 100 books!  I will submit this picture to the Iron County Today newspaper and will inform you through e-mail when the publication date will be.   

Have a wonderful summer!  I know I will--my son returns from Argentina the end of July :) and for the last time this year--HAPPY READING!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Newsletter May 11 - 15

This week is a big week as we are finishing up with Unit 12 in math.  We will review on Wednesday, May 13 and I will test on Friday May 15.  May 15 is the day that all homework is due (including the May Reading Record). I will get grades done and will send them home with your child along with their DIBELS scores and promotion card by the last day of school. This year Mr. Moyle has informed us that we will not send home promotion cards (and teacher placement for next year) if your child hasn't returned their library books or take-home books and/or their lunch accounts are not paid in full.  This is our last week for spelling words.  I will also test on this final list on Friday as normal.

We usually go to the library on Friday, but since it's field day on Friday, I have rescheduled our library time for tomorrow (Tuesday, May 12).  I reminded my students probably 10 times today to bring their library books back tomorrow.  They will receive a free book if both of their library books are returned or if they have paid for their lost or damaged book (s).  If they happen to forget tomorrow, they can still turn their books in for a free book until Friday, May 15.  Take-home books also need to be returned.  If your child's take-home book hasn't been read, still have your child turn it in. The cost to replace a take-home book is $5.00.  Remember that promotion cards will not be handed out to those that do not return these books.

Tomorrow we are having our last First Grade Awards assembly at 2:30 in the lunchroom.  I sent e-mails to you if your child will be receiving an award.  Afterwards we will go directly into the gym for our last Life Skills Assembly.  This will be the group "Unplugged".  If you participated last year, it is where many businesses or organizations around town have activities or promotions to bring your child in to receive a "dog tag".  It sounds like a great opportunity to support our community and have fun things for your kids to do this summer. Watch for information to come home about that tomorrow. 

Thursday we are heading down to the St. George children's museum.  We will leave shortly after
9:00 a.m. so it is imperative that your child is on time that day.  We will return by 2:30.  Please make sure that your child has money in their lunch account to pay for their sack lunch if necessary.  Thank you to those volunteers that are coming with us to St. George.  The cost for this field trip is a $1.00 donation.

On Friday, we will be going to Canyon Park for field day.  We will leave East Elementary around 9:30 a.m. and hike the canyon trail, then play on the playground, and then have a water balloon toss. Thank you to Dante's mom and Ben's mom for helping to fill water balloons (I could use more if any of you would like to help).  We have heard that it might be storming that day, please watch your e-mail on Thursday evening or Friday morning as we may have to stay at the school for alternative activities.  After the field day activities, we will all eat lunch outside (weather dependent).  The lunchroom provides BBQ hamburgers that day with all the fixings. I'm crossing my fingers for nice weather.

Next week we  will have two more field trips.  On Tuesday, May 19 at 1:15 p.m. we will walk over to the City library and learn about the Summer Reading program and then play at the park.  Then on Thursday we will go to the Aquatic Center in the afternoon.  I still NEED one more adult volunteer to help us that day by getting in the pool and swimming with the kids.  Please e-mail me if you can help out.  Thanks to Dante's mom, Zoie's mom, Nash's mom and Kaden's mom for already being brave and volunteering to help out.  The cost for the swimming field trip is a $1.50 donation.  Please have your child come dressed in their swimming suit that morning (wear underneath clothes).  Bring a towel and a dry pair of underwear in a wal-mart bag to change afterwards.  We do not encourage bringing extra money for snacks.

A couple of more activities.  Thursday morning, before swimming we will go to a school-wide movie.  I am not sure what we will be watching yet, and on Friday morning we will have a final assembly where the students watch a DVD slide show of our year.  School dismisses at 2:30 on the final day of school!

Please e-mail me if you have any questions--this was a lot of information.

Happy Reading!!

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4 - 8

We have two more Mondays left :)  I gave the Chapter 11 Math test today and started Chapter 12.  As I mentioned last week, I am going to double up on lessons in Chapter 12 to finish by May 15, but will only send home one homework sheet.  Thanks for hanging tough and helping your child with their homework during these last few weeks of school.  I will only send home spelling words for the next two weeks, and the April Reading Record is now due.  Remember that I will only give a treat and certificate if that is turned in by this Wednesday, May 6.  The May Reading record has been sent home and will be due on Friday, May 15 as well as all homework.

We have three more students that have joined the ranks of reading 100 books--Dante, Kylee and Kelsie have all read 100 books!!  Dante keeps reading and has almost reached 150 books!  For every 25 books read, your child can receive a book and a treat.  The conclusion of this challenge is Friday, May 15.  I will not accept lists after that date.

I sent home the permission slip for the two May field trips (museum and swimming).  I have enough parents to accompany us to the museum, but could use one or two more helpers on swimming day.  If you can help with the swimming field trip please send me an e-mail.  I have also had one parent volunteer to help with water  balloons for our field day on May 15 (big, busy day).  If you could help with water balloons (filling them up and getting them to the park by 11:00 a.m.) you can also send me an e-mail.  For the museum field trip, all students have ordered a school sack lunch (yay!).  I failed to mention that if you child is on reduced or free lunch that that lunch will be covered as if they are eating at school.

Today my students that were in attendance took a reading test.  It is called RLA--it is a reading inventory test that puts your child on a specific reading level.  I was excited as the longer they are with the examiner the more they are reading.  We took the whole half an hour to test and then some so my little first graders are becoming better readers!!   On Friday, we take the DIBELS reading assessment.  I will make pancakes before they take that test.  I will make them first thing that morning, and we will test at 10:00 a.m.  Please help your child by getting them to bed on time the night before.

I am reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and on the last Wednesday of school, May 20, we along with Mrs. Vogel's class will watch the original version of the movie (rated G with Gene Wilder) and have popcorn and chocolate.  I wanted to make you aware that we will be watching that movie in class.  If any of you have concerns with that movie please again, don't hesitate to e-mail me.

This is the last week for Take-home books and the last week that students can check out library books.  All library books will be due on May 15!  If your child returns both of their books and/or pays the appropriate fine they will be able to get a book to keep on Friday May 15.  Please turn in all take-home books by Friday, May 8 or pay the $5.00 fine to the office.

Lastly, it's Teacher Appreciation week and I so appreciate being your child's teacher.  This is a beautiful class of students, one that I will miss dearly.  As part of this week of festivities, tomorrow the students were encouraged to wear their teacher's favorite color tomorrow--my favorite color is green :)

Happy Reading!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Newsletter April 27 - May 1

We have four more weeks left of school.  Three more weeks of spelling words, three more weeks until the 100-book challenge is due (May 15), three more weeks of math homework--we can do anything for 3 or 4 more weeks right?! Please continue to read with your child as next week is our big testing week.  Remember that our class will be tested on Friday, May 8.  I will make pancakes for the class before we test.  Please make sure your child gets a good nights sleep the night before the test :)

We have two fun field trips planned (we were just made aware that we secured buses).  On Thursday, May 14, we will travel to St. George and visit the Children's Museum.  We will leave right at 9:00 a.m. and return by 2:30.  The cost for this field trip is a $1.00 donation.  I will need 3 parents to accompany us on this field trip (you can ride the bus with us). Since we will be there during lunch time, I need to know by Wednesday, at the latest if your child will bring a home lunch or want a school sack lunch.  It truly is easier to have a school lunch, as they pack them, put them in coolers and on the bus etc., but if you would like to send your child with a lunch that day please let me know by Wednesday at the latest.  If I don't hear from you (e-mail me), I will assume that your child will want a school lunch and will order one. The cost for school lunch is $2.00 and it's really quite good.  It will come with a meat sandwich, usually carrot sticks, oranges, and chips and juice and milk. If you want to accompany us on the field trip I can also order an adult lunch.  The cost for an adult lunch is $3.00. 

On Thursday, May 21 we will be going swimming at the Aquatic Center.  We will leave the school at 12:45 and return by 3:30.  The cost for this field trip is a $1.50 donation.  I will NEED 5 parents, or uncles, aunts etc.  to help and be brave and actually get in the pool and swim with the kids.  We cannot go if we do not have a 5 to 1 ratio of adults to students.  You can e-mail me and let me know if you can go with us swimming also.

As you can guess, when I told my students today, they were giddy with excitement! I will send home a permission slip (combination slip) for both of these field trips so that you can remember the donation cost for both of these.  Mrs. Vogel and I would also like to go to the public library the last week of school so that our students can get excited about their Summer Reading program.  I will let you know if and when this materializes. 

We have Field Day on May 15.  The first grade will go up to Canyon Park, and walk the trail, and then play on the playground.  We would like to have a water balloon "fight" also.  If you could help by filling up water balloons and then bring them to the park that would be wonderful.  We will have field day in the morning.  After the field trip, we will have a school wide BBQ.

This week I will finish off Unit 11 in math (three-dimensional shapes) and test next Monday, May 4.  I will start Unit 12 next Tuesday.  That is a longer chapter, but my plan is to have that complete and the test taken by May 15.  I may have to combine two lessons a day, but will only send home one sheet of homework if that is the case.  I will send home spelling lists for the next three weeks and on Friday I will send home a May Reading Record.  It will be due on May 15, and will be worth 50 points this time.  The April Reading Record is due this Friday.  I give the students that turn in their reading records a certificate and a little treat.  I have had these trickle in.  I will only give an April certificate and treat if those records are turned in by Wednesday , May 6.  I will still give points for those that trickle in after that date, but I will not give out a certificate and a treat.

Happy Reading!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Newsletter April 20 - 24

Congratulations to the first three students that have read 100 books!  Zoie, Jordan, and Nash have all read over 100 books and will have their pictures submitted to the Iron County Today newspaper as well as participate in our 100-book challenge celebration.  The deadline for this challenge is May 15.  If you started when I sent home the first notice, your child had ample time to complete 100 books and then some :)

Speaking of books--again remember that the Take-Home Library will stop on May 8.  If your child's take-home book has been lost, it will be a $5.00 replacement fee.  All library books will be due on May 15.  All students that return their library books by that date, or pay the replacement fee will receive a free book to take home.  Every year we have so many books that are not returned to the library.  Please look under beds and behind dressers or under car seats for your child's missing library books.

On Thursday, we will be walking to SUU for Bard's Birthday Bash.  We will leave East Elementary at 12:20 and return by 3:00.  If any of you would like to walk over there with us, you are welcome to join us.  Please watch the weather--if it is snowing or raining the event will be cancelled.  If it is chilly, please send a jacket with your child.

Our DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) test on Friday, May 8.  On Wednesday, please watch for a note to come home giving you some tips on helping your child with this test.  I have a few students who are just barely below where they need to be in fluency or nonsense words and/or both.  Please help your child out by practicing the sight words, and/or fluency passages that I send home with that note.  Consider a little "Literacy BootCamp"--of course, the best thing you could have been doing with your child all year is reading every night with your child.  This will be a necessary skill throughout their days in school.  Reading every night is critical! (Have I stressed that enough yet :)) On that Friday, I like to make pancakes for my students that morning.  If you could help by sending some apple juice (I have cups) I would appreciate it.

 I will test on Unit 10 in Math on Thursday before we go on our Field Trip and begin Unit 11 on Friday.  Thanks for helping your child keep up on their homework.

Happy Reading!!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Newsletter April 13 - 17

Today we started  Unit 10 in math.  It is a graphing and interpreting data unit.  I will be cruising through the next three units so that we can complete them before school gets out for the summer.  Expect that your child will have homework most days in math.  I plan on testing on Unit 10 next Thursday, April 23.

April 23 is a big day--we will also be going on a walking field trip that day to SUU for Bard's Birthday Bash.  We will leave from East right after lunch at 12:15 pm and return at approximately 3:00 pm.  This is a fun outdoor activity celebrating Shakespeare's life. The students will participate in Maypole, joisting, and tug-o- war, acting out a scene in the outdoor theater and enjoying cake with the "queen".  I will not send home a permission slip, but as always if you do not want your child to participate in this field trip please let me know.

Today I sent home April's Scholastic book order.  It will be due this Friday, April 17.  Use the online code on the attached note for ease of ordering.

I know we are down to the wire, but please continue to read nightly with your child.  Remember our DIBELS testing is May 8 and our 100-book challenge ends on May 15.  Our Take-Home Library will stop with book delivery on May 8.  That is only 19 more days for the take-home library.  The amount of books that are returning each day from the take-home library are very few.  Please take advantage of this and work hard for at least 19 more days :).

Have a wonderful week and Happy Reading!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Newsletter April 6 - 10

I hope that you all had a restful or eventful Spring Break.  We have 7 more weeks left of school.  It will fly by! We had a wonderful time at our Easter Egg hunt--thank you for coming through with eggs.  Each child was able to collect 18 eggs.  Thanks to those parents that helped deliver the eggs and to help "hide" them for us.

The March Reading record is now due.  I sent home the April Reading Record home today.  Our final DIBELS testing will be the first week in May, so reading at home will give your child one final push, one final help for that test.  Remember also to continue reading towards our 100-book challenge.  Your child still has six weeks left to complete that challenge.

This Wednesday, we will be walking to SUU for the Playmakers production of "Honk" (based on the story "The Ugly Duckling").  The cost for this field trip is a $1.00 donation.  I sent home a permission slip today--please send that back with the $1.00 donation by this Wednesday.  The weather may be chilly, please dress your child appropriately as we will be walking.

This year the PTA is sponsoring a Talent Show.  Rather than have the Talent Show during school hours they are having it Friday night, April 10.  This time is still tentative, but Mr. Moyle told us in an announcement this morning that it will probably be at 6:00 pm.  Your child needed to turn in a registration form in order to participate.  The deadline for that registration form has passed.

We are still finishing up on Unit 9 in math.  I will review tomorrow in class and test on Thursday.  Math homework will be sent home just Monday and Tuesday this week, so your child will have more time to read!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Newsletter March 23 - 27

I can't believe that March is almost over with!  This year seriously has flown by for me.  I love this little class of mine--the truly are a phenomenal bunch of first graders.

Next week, we will only have school for two days.  I will not post a blog newsletter for that short week, and we will not have spelling words next week.  I sent home new spelling words today.  I realized I got the last two weeks mixed up, but I think with this list of spelling words it will be ok :)

I sent home math homework today, and attached a paper clip to it.  We are learning to measure with non-standard units and the homework requires measuring with a paper clip.  Tomorrow will start learning about time to the hour and half-hour, though we have been doing this within our "math wall" for weeks now, so I think the telling time lessons will come easily to most of my students.  We should finish up all of the lessons in Unit 9 by next Tuesday.  I will then review when school resumes after the holiday and test either Tuesday, April 7 or Wednesday, April 8.

Tomorrow I will be sending home a note about our first grade easter egg hunt.  We will have that next Tuesday, March 31 at 2:00.  We plan on going to the east side of the canyon park.  If you could help out by sending one dozen candy-filled eggs by Monday, March 30 that would be great.  I also need a couple of parents that are willing to take the eggs to the park that day (around 1:30) and "hide" them for us.  If you would be willing to help please send me an e-mail.

Some of my students are getting close to the 100-book mark for our challenge.  Thank you for reading with you child.

Congratulations to Kaitlee and Duane--they were our Catch the Vision winners for the 3rd quarter.

On April 8, we will be going to a Playmakers production of the play "Honk".  We will be walking to SUU to the auditorium theater.  This cost for this field trip is $1.00.  I will send home a permission slip for this field trip because of the donation (it will remind you). On April 24, we will also be walking to SUU for Bard's Birthday Bash.  That field trip does not require a donation so I will not send home a permission slip for that one, since you all gave permission for field trips at the beginning of the year.  Of course, if you ever want to opt out of a field trip just let me know, and I can make other arrangements for your child.

 I will send home 3rd quarter grades by this Thursday.  We had training last Wednesday, I and I didn't have time to print off the reports.

Happy Reading!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Newsletter March 16 - 20

Today starts our 4th quarter of school.  I will print off 3rd quarter grades and send them home by Thursday, March 19.  All work should have been turned in by Friday, March 13th, but I haven't put all of the assignments in power school yet, so you have an extra day.  I will not accept late work for third quarter after Tuesday, March 17.

Tomorrow I will test on Unit 8 in math so please help your child with the Chapter Review homework tonight so that will help them with their test tomorrow.  I will start Unit 9 (measurement and time) on Wednesday.

I am excited for all of those that are participating in our 100-book challenge.  I can see that this is motivating for most of my students.  Since, I feel that rereading is so important for fluency, I will allow you to write down the same title of book twice (that is if your child has read the book twice).  I encourage rereading, and hopefully this will encourage your child to reread their books.  Remember that the take-home library books come home every night so it is not impossible to read 100 books by May 15 (if your child started the challenge when it was initially given).

I plan on having our traditional first grade Easter Egg hunt on Tuesday, March 31, before we leave for Spring break.  If you could help out with this by sending one dozen candy filled eggs I would appreciate it.  Of course, sending eggs is optional, and your child can participate regardless.  I have noticed recently that you can buy pre-filled eggs , which makes it easier, but you can also fill them yourself, but please make sure that the candy is wrapped.  I could use some help that day "hiding" the eggs at the park, if you would be willing to help hide our eggs please let me know.  Right now my tentative plan is to go to the park after computers so that would be around 1:30 on Tuesday, March 31.

I sent home information today about our PTA sponsored Talent Show.  If your child would like to participate please send back registration form by next Monday, March 30.

Happy Reading!

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 9 - 13

Thanks again for coming to SEP conferences last week--I had 100% attendance!  That shows the support that you give your child in all aspects of their education. 

Spring pictures will be taken this Friday, March 13.  I will only send students that return the order with money.  Not all of the students will get pictures taken like they do in the Fall.  If you need another order form let me know, I think I have a couple of extra copies.

The March Scholastic book order that I sent home last week is due this Wednesday, March 11.  I have a link on this blog that can get you right to the website, or you can send me a check (made out to Scholastic) and I can order them for you. The easiest way to order is online using our class code.

This week we will finish up on Unit 8 in math (two-digit addition and subtraction).  I will test next Monday.  Please help your child with their homework to help prepare them for the test.

This week I am starting a rereading program for fluency.  I received help from an "America Reads" volunteer and plan to start this program on Thursday, March 12.  I would love more helpers during this time.  I plan on doing this twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday from 1:30 - 2:15).  If you could help out on one of those days or both let me know.  If I get more volunteers I would consider doing it more than twice a week. I will count books read during that time towards our 100-book challenge.

This Friday, is the end of the quarter.  If your child needs to turn in any missing homework, please help them remember to turn it in by Friday.  I will not accept late work after that date (that includes the February home reading record). 

Have a great week and Happy Reading!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

March 2 - 6

Just a quick post this week.  Thank you very much for coming out in this snow and visiting with me for SEP conferences.  I enjoy this busy week--meeting with parents and students together.

This week we will mostly concentrate on math and reading groups as we get out at 2:30 everyday.  We will continue working on Unit 8 in math.  The past couple of days we have worked on adding "ones" or "tens" to a two-digit number using a 100-chart.  I have taught the students that if they add ones to a number that they "count on" on the "row" (46 + 3 =) and if they add "tens" to a two-digit number the count down the column on the 100-chart (53 + 40 =). 

I hope you are monitoring your child's reading towards our 100-book challenge.  If you are reading the take-home books, I will allow you to use books that have already been read before the challenge started. You can use the list inside the ziploc bag as a reference.  Remember that rereading the same text is essential for improving reading fluency.  Encourage your child to reread the same text and practice sight words if your child has not passed off all 11 lists yet.  I will test on Lists #7 and #8 at the end of the month.

The February reading record is due now.  I sent home a new March reading record yesterday. 

Parent teacher conferences (SEP's) are not the only time that we can meet and discuss your child's progress or concerns that you may have. Please note that I am willing to talk with you anytime about your child.

Happy Reading!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Newsletter February 23 - 27

I guess we are finally getting the six weeks more of winter that Punxatawny Phil predicted on February 2.  First graders always see the best in everything--they are so excited about this snow.  They want to "eat all of it" and are begging to go outside for break.

Today I sent home your child's SEP appointment time home.  It is on bright yellow paper.  Please sign that and return it as soon as possible.  If you can't make your scheduled time please e-mail me and we can arrange another time to meet or you can write a day and time that will work for you on the bottom of the sheet, but I will most likely e-mail you back to arrange it.  I look forward to meeting with you all next week.  School will dismiss at 2:30 everyday next week including Wednesday (I know it's confusing for me too).

Our 100-book challenge is in full swing.  Nash has already read 25 books towards his 100 book goal. As I stated in the note, this is optional, but should be easy to accomplish if you are reading every night with your child like I hope you are anyway.  Most nights if you just read one book your child can reach that goal by May 15.  As you read with you child every night I highly recommend rereading of the same text.  It helps your child's fluency rate tremendously to reread the same text as well as practicing sight words.  As you are reading , point out sight words in the text.  If your child is struggling to decode a word help them, but don't give them the word too quickly.  Give them clues  say, "What's the first sound" or chunk up the word, especially if the word has an ending. For example; the word "hunted"--if you have your child cover up the ending /ed/ they can decode /hunt/ and then add the ending ( you can do this with compound words, or words with other ending sounds like /s/, /es/, or /ing/ etc.) If you have any questions about the 100-book challenge please don't hesitate to contact me.

Our school had a spelling bee last week.  Our three spellers were Nash, Kaden, and Chace.  I was so proud of their effort and bravery.  Kaden came back afterwards and said, "that wasn't bad at all!"

This week I am going to start a unit on Penguins.  It will culminate with a book that each student will make about Penguins.  They will learn so much about penguins along the way and they love it.  This unit will integrate, reading, writing, science and art.  It should take the rest of February and most of March to complete.

Today I will test on Unit 7 in math.  We will start right in on Unit 8 tomorrow.  Thank you again  for helping your child with their math homework.  I would encourage you to have your child read the directions  and/or story problems themselves and have them tell you what they need to do.

Today we will also have a dental health presentation presented by our capable school nurse, Mrs. Baumgartner.  Your child will come home with a new toothbrush and hopefully a desire  for better dental hygiene :)

Happy Reading on this cold snowy day!!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Newsletter February 9 - 13

I will be gone tomorrow afternoon.  I have been asked to be on the committee that will help choose a new reading program for the district.  Andria Williams, my student teacher in the Fall will be substituting for me so my students will be in wonderful hands.  She will administer Math Test #6 tomorrow, so please help your child with their homework tonight as this will ultimately help them with their test tomorrow.

Thanks to Dante and Dane for sending some items to help decorate our Valentine's cans.  Remember that I will provide the container, but would love some help with items to decorate them with (stickers, ribbon, etc. anything really would work). I also have had some volunteers to help with our Valentine's day party on Friday, February 13 at 2:30.  We will make frosting heart-shaped cookies and delivering our Valentines.  I sent home a note with a list of classmates.  If you would like to send Valentines and/or little treats with your child you are welcome to.  Please make sure that all of the students receive a Valentine or treat. 

We are still studying the Water Cycle.  Today we will have an ice melting contest, and then write about what happened, using transitional words: first, next, then and last. We learned a lot of about Groundhogs last week.  Ask your child about them, they might surprise you with what they know about groundhogs and their burrows.

Power school has been down today and I was going to get my huge stack of work put into the system.  I have two weeks worth and thus two spelling tests that haven't been handed back yet.  I am pleased with the progress on our spelling tests, especially the sentence dictation portion.  Thank you for motivating your child at home by practicing these words with them if necessary.

On Wednesday, I will send home a letter explaining my 100-book challenge.  Look for that!  Have a nice long weekend--I hope that the weather stays nice for it.

Happy Reading!!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Newsletter February 2 - 6

It was nice to see so many of you at Curriculum Night.  We have such a wonderful school community and it really showed that evening.  Here are a few points of interest:

  • Dads and Donuts is this Friday, February 6 at 8:00 a.m.  Dads/uncles/ big brothers please come and enjoy a donut with your child before school starts that morning.
  • I sent home a February Scholastic Reading record if you would like to order books those will be due also on February 6.
  • I sent home a Valentine's Day Party letter today.  It had a list of all of the students in our classroom.  If you can send items to help with our "Valentine can" decorations or for our little party I would so appreciate the help :)  You do not need to make your own Valentine's box, w will make them in class (Valentine's cans)
  • Today we didn't finish our math lesson entirely, but I still sent home math homework.  You can choose to help your child with the homework tonight, or tomorrow after we have finished the lesson. I will test on Unit 6 of math next week, probably on Wednesday. 
  • The January reading record is now due.  I sent home a February reading record yesterday.  Please continue to practice sight words with your child nightly, especially if they haven't passed off through List #6 yet.
  • Congratulations to Nash and Mariah!  They were our Catch the Vision winners for this quarter.  Also, we had three students with perfect attendance--Edgar, Jordan, and Kelsie--that is an accomplishment too and I am happy to see all of my cute little first graders everyday!
Happy Reading!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Newsletter January 26 - 30

Remember that this Thursday, is Curriculum Night as well as the PTA sponsored Multicultural Night from 6:00 - 7:00.  You can come and visit our classroom anytime during the hour and enjoy the multicultural displays and performances the rest of the time.  It is an open house, and I will be handing out DIBELS scores that night and can explain them if necessary.  If you cannot make it I will send those results home.  I hope to see many of you with your wonderful children and families that night.

Dads and Donuts is coming up on Feb. 6.  This is an opportunity for Dads/uncles/ big brothers etc. to bring their child to school for a doughnut and some reading before school starts.  It will begin at 8:00 am. and if you have to leave your child before 8:30 am. they can stay in the lunchroom before coming down to our classroom.

We are now working on Unit 6 in math.  This is a unit mostly about counting patterns and place value.  Most of you received Unit 5 test back.  Let me remind you how I grade math tests.  I mark the answers that are wrong, and then have my wonderful high school helper, Miss Marinn help the students "correct" the answers they missed.  Your student will come home with a test that looks like they should have received 100%.  If the test has been corrected it will say, "corrected by and the date" so you will know that it has been fixed. I still keep the original score for grades, but I feel that this immediate self-correction with help is valuable in helping my students understand why they missed a particular problem.

I sent home our 100 day homework activity last Friday.  It will be due by this Thursday, January 29 (100th day of school). If you have any questions about this activity please contact me through e-mail or note, or phone call :)  Next week, I will send home the requirements for our 100-book challenge.  Watch for that note to come home with your child.

Happy Reading!!! (and don't forget sight word practice)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Newsletter January 20 - 23

I hope you all have a nice three day weekend.  Today we read the book "Martin Luther King's Big Words".  We will continue a discussion and writing opportunities this week about Martin Luther King's life and words of peace, togetherness, and harmony.

I have decided to change the format of Curriculum Night on January 29 at 6:00-7:00p.m  Rather than a Reader's theater performance I will be having an open house that night.  You are welcome to come and visit our classroom anytime during that hour.  I will be happy to talk to you about your wonderful child, and we will have some classroom work on display that night as well.  Then you can enjoy the PTA sponsored multicultural night the rest of the evening. 

The 100th day of school is next Friday, January 30.  I will be sending home a little optional homework assignment for that day.  I say, optional, but most of the kids love this little activity.  Watch for it by the end of this week.  We will also start our 100-book challenge after the 100th day of school.  Watch for information to come home about this fun challenge.

We finished up Unit 5 in math today and I will test tomorrow as well as start Unit 6.  Please help your child with their Chapter 5 Unit Review tonight if possible, as that will help them for the test tomorrow.

The DIBELS reading scores are back.  I was thrilled with the progress of most of my students.  I will send home a printout of your child's scores as soon as I receive them.  If you have any questions regarding those scores please don't hesitate to contact me.  I would be happy to discuss DIBELS scores during Curriculum Night next week.

Have a wonderful evening and Happy Reading!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Newsletter January 12 - 16

We are now starting the 3rd quarter of school.  I will get grades printed out this Wednesday and send them home with your child this Thursday.  If you need to turn in anything from last quarter please turn it in by Wednesday.  Especially home reading records.  Those are worth 100 points and really bring down your child's percentage if they are not turned in.  I am not asking for dishonesty, just making sure that if you child has read that they turn in the reading record.  These minutes also help with our PTA sponsored reading program.  The first amount of minutes to "arrest Mr. Moyle" will be tallied by this Friday.  We hope to reach 1,000,000 minutes as a school this time. I think that we are close by not quite there yet.

Today I sent home a Scholastic books flyer and order form. Order will be due this Friday, January 16.  I sent home our classroom's online code (blue paper).  Using the online code is the easiest way to order books.

We are finishing up chapter 5 in math as quickly as we can.  The district as adopted a district-wide scope and sequence for math.  We are supposed to be on the same page with the other schools in the district.  We are a little bit behind so we are catching up--that is why you might have noticed that we have had homework every night in math.  I do think the my students are getting the hang of related facts so I don't feel like I am jeopardizing their understanding of the the concept by moving through this chapter as quickly as we can.  I plan to finish up by next Monday, and start testing on Chapter 5 next Tuesday.  We will start right in on Chapter 6 next Tuesday, if all goes as planned:)

Today we started our unit on Water.  Today we discussed that "water is everywhere" and discussed the many uses of water.  We will do an art/writing activity based on this topic.  We will then move into the Water Cycle.  Remember that we will be doing a little readers theater on the Water Cycle.  I will send home parts for that reader's theater at the end of this week.  We will be performing the reader's theater during Curriculum Night on January 29 at 6:00.  Please let me know if your child will not be able to make it that night (thanks to those that have already informed me). 

This Thursday we will be having our DIBELS assessment at 10:45.  Please have your child here that day, unless they are sick of course.  I will send home results from that test as soon as they are made available to me.

Happy Reading!

Monday, January 5, 2015

January 5 - 9

Happy 2015!! To tell you the truth, I always struggle waking up and coming back after a long break, but it only takes one smiling face, or hug from one of my darling students and it's like I've never left.  I hope that you all had a lovely holiday season.  Today, it was so much fun to watch my students build snowmen at break--we had perfect snowball building weather and snow.  I love my job and I love first graders!

I sent home January's reading record today.  The December reading record is now due!  It needs to be handed in by Friday, January 9.  That date is the end of the 2nd quarter.  I will get grades together and send a printout next week, probably next Thursday.

Next week on Thursday, January 15 our class will be taking the second installment of the DIBELS reading test.  I sent home a double-sided paper today filled with "nonsense words".  Please help your child with these words as they will be tested on similar types of nonsense words on the test.  The goal is to have the students read the "whole word".  The words are all in CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) form and all of the vowels will be short sounds.  Some students will say "fail" for "fal" for example.  You can use this as part of your 20 minutes of reading time.

We finally started chapter 5 in math today.  Today we worked on story problems where there was a missing part.  I taught my students that they could use several strategies to figure out the missing part.  They could "add" or "subtract" to find the answer.  It depends on the individual child which strategy they prefer and makes sense to them--sometimes they use one strategy for one problem and then the next time use a different strategy.  Thanks for helping keep up with your child's math homework.

I'm giving you a heads up about our school's Multicultural Night/Curriculum Night on January 29 at 6:00.  Our class will "perform" a little reader's theater on the water cycle that night.  Watch for a part to come home next week.  We will practice that in class too.  Mark your calendars for that night.  If any if you know now that you will not be able to make it that night let me know so that I can adjust "parts" if necessary.

I left my camera at home so I will try and load the Christmas pictures (gingerbread house building) onto my computer and add them to this blog later in the week.  (I can't make any promises, but I will try :)

Happy Reading!