Monday, November 25, 2013

Newsletter November 25 -26

Brendan our November "Catch the Vision" winner

Angela and Jentri received their Blue Eagle!.
We will not have spelling words this week due to our Thanksgiving holiday.  Tomorrow we will have a little Thanksgiving party in our classroom starting at 2:00.  We will make Thanksgiving bracelets and "turkey cookies" out of Oreo cookies, and then watch Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving.  Thanks to Mrs. Ison for volunteering to help out with our party.

In math, we are still working on Unit 4.  I was hoping to test before Thanksgiving, but that's not possible. Today we almost completed lesson 4-4.  I sent home math homework 4-4 today.  This lesson used the "make-a-ten" strategy to subtract.  I will give you an example to help you with the homework.  Let's say the problem is 15-8=? The process is to use the smaller number and place that amount of counters in the first ten frame.  Then you add the amount of counters that is needed to "make-a-ten" in this case that would be 2.  Then you add more counters as you count up to 15, in this case it would be 5 more counters in the second ten-frame.  Since we added 7 more counters, and counted up 7 the answer is 15-8=7.  I hope this helps with the homework.  We will do lesson 4-6 on Monday and then I will review and test next Tuesday.  I want to get through unit 5 before we leave for Christmas break.

When we get back from Thanksgiving break, I will test all students that have not passed off Sight Word List #4.  Please help your child study these words at home as part of their 20 minutes of reading.

We have some exciting things coming up when we return from the break.  Our school was chosen by the Angel Flight organization to be the recipients of Santa flying to the airport and distributing presents to our students.  This will occur on December 10th, unless the weather is a factor, and then it will be postponed for later that week.  We also as a class have been asked to make decorations for a tree at Zions bank, we then will be able to deliver those ornaments and help decorate the tree.  I just found out about this so I will send home information about this early next week.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  I love your children, and most times refer to them as "my kids" instead of my students.  I am grateful to be their teacher.

Happy Reading!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Newsletter November 18 - 22

I hope that you all had a nice weekend.  This week I sent home a list of spelling words, but next week with the short week we will not have spelling words.  If your child is missing several words on their test, please take this as an indication that extra practice at home is needed.

Our math test for Unit #3 was last Friday.  I will have my cute helper Miss Makayla help with corrections, then the tests will be sent home with your child.  Remember that I keep their original score, but corrections will be made on their test. If you would like your child to receive extra help with their math homework.  Mr. Jenkins will be in the library Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 3:30-4:00 to help.  I sent a note home today with that information.

This week we are starting Unit 4 in math, which deals with subtraction strategies.  Today we learned about "counting back".  I am going to teach my children about fact families, or related facts for the next couple of days so that they will be better prepared for the lessons in this unit.  I hoped to finish this unit before Thanksgiving, but that will not be possible.   We will finish most of it and review when we get back from the holiday.

In writing we will write about Pilgrims and create a "Pilgrim" to display our writing.  I will read several books about the first Thanksgiving and we'll discuss how we are the same and/or different from the Pilgrims.

This Friday, we have another school-wide AR assembly.  I have some students that REALLY want to participate in the AR program, but are just not quite ready to read the books by themselves and get on the computer and take the tests.  You are welcome anytime after school or before school to come and read AR books with your child and help them with the tests.  I do not have enough help here or computers to assist all of the children that want to take AR tests.  For most 1st graders, this is not something that can do independently yet.  Last year, I had a mom come after school everyday and she used that as her child's 20 minutes of reading time.  This student because of that extra one-on-one help could eventually then take the tests independently and he was able to earn the "Gold Eagle" (which is the highest award a student can earn).  I also noticed with this particular student that his reading scores soared!

Next week for our Thanksgiving activity, I like to have my students make "turkey" cookies.  I had one mother sign up at Back to School Night to help with that activity. If any of you could help provide items for these cookies that would be great.  It would be things like a package of Oreo cookies, or candy corns etc. Send me an e-mail and I can give you an item to send.  Thanks!!

Happy Reading!
Brendan our November "Catch the Vision" winner!

Angela and Jentri received the Blue Eagle award for reading AR books!

Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11 - 15

Happy Veteran's Day!  At the end of the day, we discussed what a "veteran" is and why we honor veterans.  Wow! my kids were interested in veterans, and what they did, and about veterans that they have in their own families.

This week we are discussing sequence in texts.  We read The Amazing Turkey Rescue and then recounted what happened first, next, then, and last from the text.  We will do that again with more Thanksgiving texts, and then my students will write a narrative about "How to Catch a Turkey" using those important sequence/transition words such as first, next, then and lastly. 

In math we are wrapping up Unit 3.  This is a big unit with many new concepts.  We finished most of lesson 3-11 today and will finish that lesson tomorrow along with lesson 3-12.  We will review briefly on Wednesday and then again on Thursday.  I will test on Unit 3 this Friday.  Thanks to those that are asking me for help with this "new math".  I know that some of the vocabulary is "new".  Please don't hesitate to ask me if you have questions, as I know your child may not be able to help you.  I will more carefully look at the homework, and make sure that it is clear before I send it home.  If I feel like there could be some confusion, I will do the first problem with the students in class before I send it home.  Even after that, if you still have questions please don't hesitate to send me a note.  I will e-mail you a response and helpful hints quickly.

The November Scholastic book order is due this Wednesday, November 13th.  The best way to order is to use my online code.  There is a link for Scholastic right on the right sidebar of this blog.

We had a great opportunity last week to watch Teyha and Echo dance at the Native American Day at the Paiute Tribal building.  I'm a little biased, but I thought they were the cutest dancers out there.  We also were privileged to have Mrs. Smith share about her heritage.  She shared with the children about how she makes drums using deer hide, she showed us several cradle boards, and intricate wedding baskets and weaving.  I think she cleared up some misconceptions that young children often have about Native Americans.

I will send home a progress report this Wednesday.  Please watch for it in your child's homework folder. Thanks for sending those back everyday and reading nightly with your child. 

Happy Reading!!
Mrs. Smith showing the students a cradle board.

Teyha and Echo with their friends after the performance.

Monday, November 4, 2013

November 4 - 8

It's November already!  This month we will be working on punctuation in our writing, and will be writing narratives using temporal words (first, then, last etc.) .  We will also discuss gratitude and write thankful lists.  In science, I have a group of SUU students that will be coming each Tuesday morning for four weeks.  They will teach the concepts of classifying and sorting information through art, movement and drama.

The October Reading record is now due!!! Please turn that in ASAP.  The PTA is adding another incentive for each student to hand in their reading records.  At the AR assemblies at the end of the month, Mr. Burton,  has agreed to have something done to him by the class that "wins" the opportunity.  This month on November 22, Mr. Burton has agreed to have a pie thrown in his face.  In order to "win" this opportunity we have to be the 1st grade class that has the most reading records turned in.  If there is a tie, there will be a drawing for the class that can throw the pie in his face.  I also give a certificate, a pizza coupon, and a small treat for those that turn in their reading records.  The ultimate prize though, is that your child will become a better reader!

On Thursday, November 7th, we are going on a walking field trip to the Paiute Tribal Administration Building for Native American Day.  We will leave the school at 12:40 and return by 2:30.  I will of course not walk the children over if it is snowing.  Please though, send your child with a warm jacket or coat.  I'm excited as we have two students Teyha and EchoMarie who have told me they are dancing in the program that day.  It will be nice for my students to watch their friends participate. If you haven't sent the permission slip back yet, please do so before Thursday (it is on bright yellow paper).

Some of you are not sending you child's homework folder back daily.  I gave them new folders and they aren't all coming back daily.  Please be diligent in checking you child's folder for homework and notes daily.  Sometimes there will not be notes or homework, but most days there is something there for you to see. 

I sent home the November Scholastic book order today.  The order will be due Wednesday, November 13th.  Since it's getting close to the holidays, if you would like me to keep something "secret" from this book order let me know.

We have had two students move out recently.   Brendan B. and Tohannie have both moved.  We will miss them both.  I have changed the Star of the Week schedule just a bit because of these moves.  I will not put on this blog when your child will be Star of the Week.  I will send information home on the Friday before your child is supposed to be the Star of the Week.  Thanks for helping with this at home.  My students LOVE the attention they receive when it's their turn to be the Star of the Week.

Happy Reading!  Your child should at least be working on Sight Word List #4.  Include sight word practice in your nightly 20 minutes of reading!
Beautiful Angela--October's Catch the Vision Winner!