Monday, September 23, 2019

Newsletter September 23 - September 27

I'm just going to get right to it....

Here are this week's happenings:

  • I will send home SEP notices tomorrow.  I just got them filled out.  Please look for them in your child's homework folder.  Please send back the bottom portion ASAP so we can rearrange the date or time if necessary.  I look forward to meeting with all of you next week.  We will discuss how your child is doing in school and acquaint you with standards based grading and it will be a time to connect and ask questions.  School is dismiss EVERY day including Wednesday at 2:30 next week.
  • I have sent home a couple of things from the PTA recently--one was sent home last week about pizza with Dads and an introduction to the Watch Dogs program.  The other was sent home today for a Grandparents breakfast which will be held next Tuesday, October 1 from 8:00-8:40.  I would suggest coming earlier than later for this breakfast as there is usually a line up.  Next week the PTA will also be sponsoring a Book Fair in the library.  That's a nice thing to do after SEP conferences (just a suggestion).
  • In your child's folder today there was a note from Raven Photography.  It has an access code on it and you can look at your child's pictures as well as order online if you would like to do that.  Picture retakes will be October 25 for those interested. 
  • This week we are finishing up our unit on subtraction from 10 or less.  Today we learned about subtracting all or zero from a number.  Tomorrow we will take apart numbers (ex. 5 - 1 = 4, 5 - 2 = 3, 5 - 3 = 2 and so forth).  We will review and the test will be on Friday.  
  • We will also finish up our first unit in reading this week where we mostly reviewed short vowel sounds, digraphs (sh, ch, th) and double consonant spellings. We have been writing sentences and learning the difference between a statement and a question.   We will also take a test on these skills this week.  Students will be asked to spell words with all of the short vowel sounds as well as read words with digraphs, double consonants and short vowel.  Our next unit we will start diving into long vowel sounds.  We will have a new book to read with the unit and will be writing multiple sentences on a topic in preparation for simple paragraphs.  We have small reading groups everyday except Wednesday and are still holding WIN (What I Need) groups daily for both remediation and extension on reading and writing skills.  
  • We had our vision and dental screenings last week.  If you child needs further evaluation a note or phone call will come home from the school nurse.  Dental notes came home last Friday or Thursday--I can't remember the exact day but it was last week.  
Remember to look for your SEP appointment time and send back the bottom portion of the note.  If you can't make the time or day please write down a time or day that will work better for you on the note.  Don't forget that Sight Word Soldiers is every Wednesday!!

Happy Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Newsletter September 16 - September 20

Sorry about not getting this out yesterday--today I'm rushing to get a root canal after school (I know you are jealous 😂) but thankfully right now we have computers and PE so I can get this done!

Here are this week's happenings:

  • First of all check on the sidebar of this blog for new calendar items that I put up.  If you can't see that on your phone scroll down to the bottom of the page and click web version and you should be able to see it.
  • This Friday is picture day.  I put picture packets in your child's folder today.  We are using a new company for some reason, maybe we are trying out a new company for the district? Anyway, I skimmed through the packet and couldn't see an option for online purchase, but maybe I missed it.  If you want pictures printed then you need to send that envelope back with the form filled out  the amount of the package by Friday.  All students will get their pictures taken even if you don't want to pay for a package.  It's spirit Friday also, but I would imagine that the PTA will not count that Friday so you can let you child wear whatever they would like to for pictures.  Last week though, EVERY single student in our class wore either blue or an East Elementary t-shirt!!!
  • SEP or parent teacher conferences are coming up the first week of October (Sept. 30-Oct. 4).  I will send home an appointment time next Monday.  Please send that back stating whether you can make the appointed time.  These conferences are for both parent (s) and students.  If you know of day and time that would work best for you send me an e-mail and I will give you that date and time.   If you can't make the scheduled timed I'm more than happy to work with your schedules. 
  • In our learning we are in the middle of our subtraction unit.  We have learned how to use pictures to help us with subtraction.  Students draw a quick pictures, usually circles then cross of the amount that is taken away.  They use these models to write subtraction sentences.  Today we modeled subtraction where the key words "the rest" was in the problem.  For example:  Jeff has 5 apples.  3 of the apples are red and the rest are yellow.  How many apples are yellow?  We then used pictures to help us.  Students draw 5 apples, cross off the amount we know (3 red) and the rest is the difference.  Tomorrow we will work with problems that involve comparing.  
  • In reading we are almost finished with our first until.  We have started reviewing sentences that are questions and what words help us know that the sentence is a question (what, where which for example).  We learned that our voices go up a little at the end of question in comparison to a statement that ends in a period.  We now know that nouns name a person, place or thing and can identify nouns in our reading.  Today we read the story The Bus Stop.  Ask your child your child to retell that story to you.  We worked on sequencing today with that story.  Ask them also what a "thrush" is. (I hope they remember).  
  • We have finished up our Fables and Folktales unit.  We just have one more culminating activity with that where students with a partner create a poster representing the fable of folktale of their choice.  Those posters will then be shared with the class.  We will start our Human Body unit next week.  In that unit we will learn about all of the important body systems (digestive, circulatory for example) and learn about healthy lifestyles.  
  • Don't forget that tomorrow is Sight Word Soldiers day!  
  • Remember too that if you child's take-home book takes them over ten minutes to read it just once then that counts.  Still turn in the little blue note.  I have noticed that this might apply to some students sometimes, use your judgment.  If it takes 40 minutes to read the book 3 times then that's too long (unless your child is encouraging that).  I only ask for 10 minutes of reading each night and most books are the appropriate length for rereading.
Happy Reading!!
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, September 9, 2019

Newsletter September 9 - September 13

Here are this week's happenings:

  • I sent home Scholastic book orders today.  Those are optional of course, but a nice way to get some inexpensive or sought after books to add to your child's collection.  Some first grade favorites are Piggie and Elephant books and Pete the Cat books which both have collections in the catalogues I sent home and If you Give a Mouse a Brownie is just $1.00.  Please use the class code and order online--you can still send a check in with your order, but it's so much easier on both ends to order online.  Those orders will be due this Friday, September 13.  
  • This Thursday at 3:00 in our classroom is the first PTA reading awards (bookmarks sent home at the beginning of the year).  Usually the PTA will send home notices to those that will be receiving an award.  I haven't received those yet, but will make sure you are informed of the awards if you'd like to attend.  We will be joining with Mrs. Carter's class for those awards.
  • I just got an e-mail about Spirit Friday.  In a nutshell, if you child wears an East Elementary shirt or just "wears blue" on Friday then they will be able to put their name on a ticket for a monthly drawing.  Every Friday is a new ticket and the last Friday of the month a ticket is drawn from each classroom for a prize.  
  • As far as learning goes.... in math we are finishing up our chapter on Addition. We will take the test on this chapter tomorrow and start subtraction concepts on Thursday.  We will start with using pictures to take from and then modeling "taking from".  We have started our WIN groups for reading and writing.  It's a bit confusing for the students at first, but I think they are getting the hang of where to go.  We just read about Bud the Cat today in our reader.  We have been learning about nouns.  So far we know that nouns are words the name "people and things" (we'll add "places" later).  We are learning about double consonants (ll, ss, zz etc and about the spelling 'ck" for the /k/ sound).  We finished our folktale  Medio Pollito and just started a Jewish tale called The Crowded Noise House and later on in the week we'll hear Peter Rabbit.
  • Thanks for doing a great job sending back your child's take-home book because that means your child read a book on their level the night before.  Please keep in touch with me about the level I sent home.  If you think it's too hard or too easy we don't want that.  We want a "just right" fit.
  • Yesterday we had a discussion about keeping our hands to ourselves and it led to a discussion about "private parts" along that vein.  I wanted to tell you what we discussed in case your child brings it up to you.  We talked like I said about keeping our hands to ourselves and that it's not funny to hit someone in their private part.  I told them private parts are where a swimming suit covers your body.  We talked about how our bodies are special and deserve to be treated that way.  We also discussed what to do if that ever happens to them--tell an adult immediately!  If you have any concerns please contact me.  
Happy Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Newsletter September 3 - September 6

I hope that your long weekend was enjoyed with family and friends! 

Today we started back and had our first "WIN" (What I Need) time with our students in writing.  Students were grouped according to our recent DIBELS scores and will receive instruction on their level on writing and reading skills every day except on Wednesday.  Wednesday if you recall is our math WIN time.  Monday and Friday WIN is devoted to reading skills and Tuesday and Thursday is devoted to writing.  Students will stay with their particular teacher for a few weeks, and then after we finish a unit, groups will be realigned according to need. 

Here are this week's happenings: (if you ever have questions please don't hesitate to contact me)

  • August Reading calendars are now due.  I sent home September reading calendars in your child's folder today.  Those calendars that are turned in by Friday (Sept. 6) will receive a small certificate and treat and pizza hut coupon for a free mini-pizza.  
  • Take-home books were sent home today for the first time.  I put a yellow note in each bag describing what I expect with those books. This is such a great way to have books on your child's independent reading level to read each night.  These books are to be read by the student to an adult three times each.  Please note that if your child has a longer book and it takes them ten minutes to just read it once than once is enough.  If they can read it three times in ten minutes please do that.  They can read it to you once, then a sibling, grandparent etc.  It doesn't need to be read to the same person and in the same sitting. 
  • Remember tomorrow that we have our Sight Word Soldiers pass off.  Send those notes back so that Mrs. Robinson knows that your child is ready to pass off their list.  
  • This week on Thursday we will have a hearing screening.  You will be contacted if they find anything of suspicion.  Actually my cute daughter who just started the nursing program at SUU will be helping that day so I'll be happy for her to briefly meet my students. 
  • Next Monday, reading groups will start.  I will contact you if you child needs "reading intervention".  This year some students will be receiving  reading enrichment in a small group setting outside of my classroom and I will let you know if that's your child also.  If you don't receive an e-mail from me assume that your child is staying here with me in my classroom to receive small reading group instruction.  
  • This week in math we are learning about different ways to make 5, to make 9 and most importantly to make 10.  We will also be reviewing just simple addition through 10 this week before we review and test on our first chapter next Tuesday.  On Wednesday, our interventions or enrichment will be on adding in any order.  
  • In reading we have reviewed the digraphs sh, ch, and th.  Tomorrow we will start with our first book or "reader" in this unit called Snap Shots.  These readers reinforce the concepts we have learned in class.  They are called "decodable" because all of the words in the books are words that students should either be able to sound out because the sounds and spelling have been taught or the sight words (also called tricky words) have been introduced.  This book follows two friends Beth and Nat and their adventures together through the UK. In our fables and folktales unit I hope to read Medio Pollito (Little Half-chick) in the next couple of days.  We continue to run out of time, but students love this folktale from Spain of how the first weather vane occurred.  
Have a nice Tuesday and Happy Reading (take-home books)!
Mrs Armstrong