Monday, April 25, 2011

Newsletter April 25-30

I hope that you all had a great Easter Break!  We all came back refreshed--we had a great day back.  We are all especially excited to have Joselene back with us for the last five weeks of school.

Watch for a grade print out this Friday.    I have some children that have not turned in their Reading Records, or are not turning in their math homework consistently and these two things really drop your child's grade percentage down.  If you have any questions after receiving these, please again, don't hesitate to contact me.

I sent home book orders today.  This will be your final chance to order books for the year.  Those orders will be due next Friday, May 7.  That way your order will be back before school gets out for the summer.

I hope that you have all sent your Flat Stanley.  I sent that assignment home last week.  If you have any questions please feel free to call, e-mail, or send a note.  This is a fun activity, one that your child won't want to miss out on.

I am planning a "Reading Picnic" on the last day of school, May 27, at 1:00.  We will have healthy snacks and you can watch your child perform a Reader's Theater and we'll have end of the year awards, and video presentation.  Mark your calendars!! 

Please continue to read nightly and send in book lists for our 100-Book Challenge.  We have 20 days left to complete this goal.  I will cut it off on May 20th, one week before school gets out so that I can get awards printed.  I will present these awards at our Reading Picnic.

Teacher requests for next year will be due May 2.  If you would like to make a request, you can pick the form up in the office, or it is also available on East Elementary's website under the parent/student link.

Scroll down and look at the pictures I posted from our Easter Egg Hunt.  We have a great time and the Senior Citizens loved our performance.  Many were clapping along as we sang.  As always, Happy Reading!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Newsletter April 18-19

We had a great time at Bard's Birthday last week.  The weather was perfect and the kids enjoyed the activities and performances.  Hopefully, the weather will cooperate for our Easter Egg hunt, picnic, and Senior citizen's center performance tomorrow.  Remember if you signed up to bring your lunch from home if you signed up to do that.  I only order enough lunches for those that signed up.

I sent home our Flat Stanley assignment today.  It is all together in a manila envelope.  Remember that school is over on May 27th so if you can send that out ASAP that would be great.  When the Flat Stanley is returned to your child have them bring it back to school to share it's experiences.  If you have any questions about the assignment please let me know and I will be happy to clarify anything.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Easter/Spring Break!  I intentionally did not assign math homework for the break, but if you can squeeze in any reading minutes that would be great!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Newsletter April 11-15

We have our Field Trip to BARD's Birthday Bash at SUU this Friday.  Please watch the weather and have your child bring a jacket if necessary.  We will be walking to SUU. We will leave after lunch and be back before 3:00.

I have received only 3 dozen eggs for our Easter Egg hunt.  Remember that we will be going to Canyon Park, on Tuesday April 19th.  While there we will have a picnic, and then sing at the Senior Citizen's Center adjacent to the park.  After singing, we will have our first grade Easter egg hunt.  I have asked for a donation of 12 plastic eggs filled with candy.  If you would tape those eggs shut with scotch tape I would appreciate it, as they tend to open up during Easter egg hunts. Please have these eggs here by Friday April 15th.

I got a note in my box today about the Golden Sneaker award.  I need to hand in the results by this Friday, April 15th.  So far I have Zoe, Gavin, Kade, Brailyn, James and Dallas receiving the "Gold medal".  Jonny is at the  "Bronze medal" level.  That is all I will have for my class. Please send in information about your child's physical activity by this Friday and I can add them to my list.  If you don't have the calendars still, a note would be fine.  Remember that each 15 minutes of activity counts for one point.  To get the Gold medal your child needs to have at least 180 points.

I had several papers stapled together in your child's folder or backpack today.  One of those is a coloring contest page.  It is an Easter Bunny.  Bulloch Drug will give your child a free ice cream cone if they turn it in by April 16th.  They failed to mention that on the paper.

We have been learning about maps in our class.  As part of that unit, we have read the book Flat Stanley.  Next Monday, April 18,  look for a Flat Stanley assignment.  Start thinking about someone your child could send their "Flat Stanley" to visit.  The assignment will give more information. I just wanted to give you a heads up and make sure you watched for it to come home.

Congratulations to Zoe!! She has read 100 books!  She is the second student to become a member our  100-Book club!   We have several students that are close behind her.  Remember that I will recognize these children at our End-of-the-Year Party and hope to have their picture in the paper.  Remember that every 25 books your child reads they will receive a book that I have purchased and  a little treat.  I loved that when Delilah chose a book she wanted to take it out to recess!!  Keep reading!  We have 31 school days left!

One last thing, I put April Scholastic book orders in your child's folder last week and I failed to mention a due date.  I will collect those up until we get out for Easter break.  If you would like to order please send it by Tuesday, April 19th.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Newsletter April 4-8

Please look in your child's backpack for the three permission slips that need to be signed.  On Friday, April 15th, we are going to BARD's Birthday Bash at SUU in the afternoon.  On Tuesday, April 19th, we are going to Canyon Park for a 1st grade picnic, Easter egg hunt, and singing at the Senior Citizen's Center.  The pink paper is in regards to lunch on the day of the picnic.  I need to give a count to the lunchroom ASAP!  The paper says to turn it in by Monday, that is TODAY!  Sorry, I did not get it from my box until Friday afternoon.  Please sign and return that by tomorrow, Tuesday, April 5. 

For the Easter Egg hunt we are asking for each child to donate one dozen, candy filled eggs.  We have found in the past that these eggs easily open up, so please tape them with a piece of scotch tape.  Please send these eggs by Friday, April 15th.

I gave your child a new poem for Poetry Performances this Friday.  These performances especially help with reading expression, so practice at home is very important.  You cannot read with expression if you do not know the words!

March reading records are now due.  You will find an April Reading record in your child's folder or backpack.  Remember that these records are worth 100 points.  Your child should be reading for at least 20 minutes each night and they should be doing ALL of the reading now.  I am thrilled that so many students are reading towards our 100-book challenge.  I have several who are close to the goal.

If you haven't sent in Golden Sneaker activity logs yet, please do so now!  I would love for all of my students to receive a "gold medal" at the final assembly.  I am sure that most of my students are active for part of the day, it's just a matter of keeping track and sending that information to me.  March was the last month for these logs so you will not see one for April in your child's folder.

Congratulations to Maverick!! He was the first grade Spelling Bee champion.  I was so impressed by all of the terrific spellers.

Here is hoping that the weather will continue to warm up.  Take a book outside to the park, on the trampoline, in a backyard tent or fort and read with your child!   Happy Reading!