Monday, November 30, 2015

Newsletter November 30 - December 4

I hope that you all had a nice Thanksgiving break.  It seems that a few sicknesses are going around as we had several students absent today. It was nice to see my cute first graders back though! We took our second spelling test today.  I will send home a new spelling list tomorrow.  The test for that list will be on Monday, December 7.  Please help your child study those spelling words at home.  The spelling patterns should be familiar, but with some students being absent, and with the test being after a weekend, help at home would be beneficial. 

Today we started into Chapter 5 in our GoMath books.  This chapter deals with Addition and Subtraction relationships.  I think that the homework pages are fairly self-explanatory for this chapter so I will not send home a "hint" sheet.  Of course, if you need some clarification, please don't hesitate to e-mail with questions.  The math homework packet came home with your child today.  It will be due on Wednesday, December 17.  I will send home a schedule tomorrow.  I didn't get a chance to attach them before the school day ended.

The PTA November reading calendars (yellow paper) are due tomorrow.  Please help your child to fill out that calendar and tally the number of minutes.  That calendar counts for 50 points and the PTA will provide prizes for minutes read and I will award each returned calendar with a certificate and small treat. 

With Christmas just around the corner, I wanted to make you aware of a couple of activities we will do in our classroom.  On Wednesday, December 16 at 10:00 a.m. we will make Gingerbread houses out of graham crackers.  I will send home a note about this in a few days, and will also ask for donations (supplies for the houses).  These donations are optional, but anything you can help with would be appreciated! I could use parent volunteers that day.  The more the merrier!!  We will also be making a "secret gift".  I will encourage my students to help earn 50 cents for this gift.  If you could help find a small job that they could complete at home and then send 50 cents for that "secret gift" I would appreciate that also. 

I will send home a grade printout by Thursday.  Some of my students are finding it hard to complete their morning work.  If this is the case, for your child, I will send home the unfinished assignments to complete at home.  I don't expect all of it to be done in one night, but helping them complete these assignments would be helpful.

Please study the sight words with your child.  They should have passed off at minimum right now List #3. The more sight words they know automatically the faster reader they will become.  If they have to stop at every little word to try and "sound it out" then, their comprehension of the text also suffers.  It shouldn't take more than a few minutes every night.  Make sight word practice a habit.

Happy Reading!  (and rereading:)

Monday, November 23, 2015

Newsletter November 23 - 27

Just a few notes for our short week:

  • Tomorrow is our pajama day and read-a-thon.  Students can wear their pajamas all day, bring a blanket, stuffed animal or small pillow (they will not be allowed in the classroom until our read-a-thon).  Our read-a-thon will begin at 2:00 followed by a little Thanksgiving activity.  We will be making "turkey" cookies out of Oreos.  Thanks for those who have helped send supplies.
  • Math Chapter 4 Homework packet is due.  I had two turned in without names.  I will send home a grade print-out early next week, so please check and make sure your child has that packet turned in and let me know if they don't so that I can figure out whose assignments are missing.
  • I will send home sight word lists (#2 and #3) with students who have not passed them off tomorrow.  I will start testing on List #3 when we return from our Thanksgiving break. 
  •  Our next spelling test will be the day we get back from Thanksgiving break.  I sent home the list of words several days ago.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends.  Travel safely!  One of the things that I am most thankful for is my 23 darling first graders that I have the privilege of teaching everyday! 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Newsletter November 16 - 20

Snow has arrived!  I think the snow can cause "spring fever" behavior more than spring weather can.  We had all breaks inside today, but if snow is not falling from the sky the students will be expected to go outside for break.  Please send warm, appropriate clothing with your child when the weather is snowy, cold, windy, etc.

This Wednesday, we will have a spelling test.  I sent home the list of words last week, with a note on the top stating that we will have a test on Wednesday, November 18.  We learned about all of those spelling patterns in our last unit, so the patterns should be very familiar to your child, but studying at home may be helpful for some students. The Scholastic book order is also due this Wednesday, please order online if possible (that's the easiest way), or you can send the order form back with one check made out to Scholastic.  I will be happy to "hide" these books for Christmas if you would like me to.

If you want to brave the weather tonight, the PTA is hosting a fundraiser at both Dairy Queen locations from 6:00 - 9:00.  A proceed of all sales will go to East Elementary.

We have started a new unit in Reading.  The subject is Early World Civilizations.  We are specifically learning about Mesopotamia (Middle East region) and Ancient Egypt.  I love that this new reading program encourages learning that may seem far above that of a first grader.  I am learning things right along with them.  At the end of the unit we will learn about world religions--Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.  The lessons in no way "preach" those religions, but rather give students  knowledge and understanding about those different religions.

Next week,  the day before we dismiss for the Thanksgiving break. We will have a pajama day/read-a-thon.  That will start at about 2:00.  We will also make "turkey cookies" out of oreo cookies.  If you signed up to help for our Thanksgiving party I will contact you via e-mail and ask you to send something for those cookies if possible.  For the read-a-thon, your child can bring books to read (though I have many books in my classroom), a blanket, or a stuffed animal to read to.  These items will need to stay in their backpacks though during the day, so take that into account.

Happy Reading!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Newsletter November 9 - 13

Today we started Unit 4 in math on subtraction strategies.  I will send home a "help sheet" tomorrow so that you can help with the homework more efficiently.  Today the strategy was "count back", which I feel is self-explanatory so that is why the helps will come home tomorrow (and they aren't done yet)! :) We will finish up with this unit before the Thanksgiving  break.  The packet will be due on Monday, November 23.  The homework packet for Math Chapter 3 is already late.  Please help your child remember to bring that back.

I will send home another Scholastic book order by this Wednesday.  It will be due by Wednesday, November 18.  These next two orders have Christmas books.  If you would like me to save any books for gifts I would be happy to do that for you.  Just let me know.

Today your child came home with a username and password for a computer program called Raz-Kids.  Please consider allowing your child to get on the computer at home and have fun learning with this program.  Some of our trust lands money was allotted for this program.  We will sometimes use this program in class, but it's primarily an at home program, as we are already using program at school called Imagine Learning. If you have any questions about Raz-Kids please don't hesitate to ask and I'll find out the answer.

The PTA has two activities or fundraisers coming up.  One is the Dairy Queen fundraiser on November 16.  Please consider eating at either Dairy Queen location that night or get an ice cream treat.  If you mention East Elementary a portion of your bill will be given to our school.  The other activity sponsored by our PTA is a  Read-a-thon/Pajama party.  That will be held on Tuesday, November 24 (the day before the break).  Your child can wear their pajamas all day, bring a blanket, books to read, or stuffed animal to read to.  We will have that read-a-thon in conjunction with our Thanksgiving party where we will make "turkey cookies" out of oreos.  I will send home more information about that at a later date. 

Don't stop reading every night with your child and sending back their take-home books daily!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Newsletter November 2 - 6

Today we have our first grade awards program.  Congratulations to our two Catch the Vision award winners: Nick and Takiya!  Congrats to those children who received and excellent attendance or perfect attendance award.  Thank you parents for getting your parents here to school and on time! 

This Thursday, we will be walking over to the Paiute Tribal building.  We will leave her at 1:00 and be back by 3:00.  Please make sure your child comes to school that day with a jacket or coat and good walking shoes.  Actually please watch the weather daily and make sure your child is dressed appropriately as they will go outside for break most days.

The October PTA reading calendar is now due!   It is on orange paper.  Please tally up the minutes your child has read and make sure that an adult signs it and that your child's name is on it.  For every 500 minutes read your child will receive a prize provided by the PTA.  The calendar is also worth 50 points.  I sent home a new November reading calendar yesterday.  It is on yellow paper.

This week I will continue to test all students who have not passed off Sight word List #2 yet.  Please help your child with these lists!  I will test on Sight Word List #3 starting on November 30. 

Today we finished up Chapter 3 in Math.  Tomorrow we will review and I will test on both Thursday and Friday.  The homework packet for Chapter 3 is due on Thursday, November 5.  Please make sure that you remind your child to put their name on their packet! We will start Chapter 4 next Monday.

We have library every Thursday.  Please look for lost books is necessary so that you child can check out new books every time we go to the library. 

I hope that you all saw your child's grade print out from quarter 1.  If you have any questions about that please send me an e-mail. 

Happy Reading!!