Monday, December 14, 2020

Newsletter December 14 - December 18

 Happy snowy last week before Christmas.  I am going to be short and to the point today as I have a haircut appointment shortly.

Here are this week's happenings:

  • The PTA is doing a food drive.  I sent notices home today.  Send food by Friday if you would like to.  The box is in our classroom
  • Tomorrow I will send home your child's DIBELS (reading test) report.  If you have questions about the results please don't hesitate to contact me.  I will also send you information about reading groups that will change because of those results in January.  
  • We still have some dress-up days (on the calendar I sent home)--Wednesday is holiday spirit day and Thursday is pajama day!  
  • This week we will be doing "normal" work mixed with some holiday activities.  We will write reindeer sentences and make a craft to go with it.  We will read the Grinch and then write about "how to make the grinch grin" along with a Grinch craft.  We will watch the grinch on Friday (the original Dr. Seuss version) and have a school wide Christmas sing (in our classrooms with doors open).  
  • Our regular learning in math will deal with telling time to the hour and half hour and graphing.  We will quickly learn about picture graphs, bar graphs and tally charts. 
  • In reading we are wrapping up this unit on vowel patterns and finishing our Fables book.  We have been reading different versions stories.  This week in addition to reading 3 versions of Little Red Riding Hood I will add some versions of the Gingerbread Man.
  • Don't forget to keep reading your take home books (new ones came home today) and then return them on Thursday along with library books!  
Your child will come home with a little gift we made for you this week!   I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season.  I know that this year has been extra stressful, but I hope that you are well and enjoy some time with your little families.  See you back in 2021!!!

Happy Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, November 30, 2020

Newsletter November 30 - December 4

 Welcome back from your Thanksgiving holiday--I hope that you and your families are all well.  We have three full weeks of school until our Christmas holiday--these three weeks will be full of learning and Christmas activities.

Here are this week's happenings:

  • I have decided to change the way I have you report your child's nightly reading.  If you recall I have been working on my Master's thesis this semester (I just turned it in yesterday!!).  From that study I found a positive correlation between rereading books at home on your child's reading fluency.  I also learned through the surveys that there are too many places to report your child's reading--the book in the bag sheet, PTA bookmarks and my reading calendar.  I am going to cut that back for you by just having you fill out the sheet in the take home books bag.  When your child bumps up a level then I will give them a certificate, treat, and pizza coupon.  I will no longer send home monthly reading calendars in addition to the take home books reporting sheet.  Since I already sent home the November calendar that will be due by this Friday, December 4 for a certificate, treat and pizza coupon.  The students that have already bumped up a level will also get that so some students may be receiving two this month :). I hope that helps you with the reporting not occurring in three different places.  I still would hope that you would read with your child every school night even though we do not have take home books 5 times a week this year.
  • If you haven't signed up for East Elementary's REMIND please do that now--I do not send home announcements that get sent home that way.  One was just sent home today.  Sign up by texting @cedareas to the number 81010. 
  • In math this week we are finishing up our unit on two-dimensional shapes.  Today we learned about halves and tomorrow we will learn about fourths/quarters.  On Wednesday we will start our chapter on three-dimensional shapes.  We will learn about attributes of three-dimensional shapes and combine them to create different shapes as well as take them apart.
  • In reading we have learned both of the sounds and spellings for 'oo' (soon and book).  Today we learned about the 'ou' sound.  We read a Fable called The Two Mules.  Tomorrow we will read the fable the Dog and the Mule.  This month we will learn a lot about reindeer and write factual sentences about them.  I hope you saw your child's turkey art and sentences that came home today.  We are getting so much better at writing sentences.  Rather than students saying "Mrs. Armstrong how do you spell this...." I hear them sounding out the words as they spell them.  
  • Next week students will have their middle of the year reading test (DIBELS).  We will not have reading groups next week due to this.  I will let you know those results as soon as I can.  We use the data from this test to form our small reading groups.  
  • Also in reading we are reading different versions of famous stories.  We first read Cinderella and told read the version from Egypt The Girl and the Red Slippers.  We talked about story elements (characters, setting, and plot) from each of those stories and compared and contrasted the two stories using a Venn diagram.  
  • We had a nice surprise from "Mr. Russ" across the street last Tuesday.  I took the notes that we wrote him on Monday and on Tuesday he had some yummy cookies delivered to our classroom from the Palette bakery.  We even shared some with Mrs. Carter's class.  I think this experience has been a good one for my students.  Showing someone you are thinking about them and being kind is a life lesson we all need especially at this time of the year. 
Happy almost December and Happy Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, November 16, 2020

Newsletter November 16 - November 20

It's the last full week before Thanksgiving!  I am so grateful for this class and that we are still in school face to face!  I have noticed over the last couple of weeks some great academic growth with my kiddos.  Remember that next week we only have school on Monday and Tuesday.  Last week we finished up our watercolor turkeys and wrote factual sentences about turkeys.  This is one area where I have really noticed improvements (sentence writing).  It didn't hurt that they were very interested in learning about turkeys.  Ask them some questions about turkeys--like do all turkeys make the "gobble gobble" sound?  

Here's are this week's happenings:

  • Today I sent home a Scholastic book order (both November and December).  I will extend the date written on the note until this Friday, November 20.  If you would like to order some books for Christmas gifts (they make excellent gifts) I would be happy to "hide" them for you.  Just let me know.  Using the online code and ordering online is the best way to order.  
  • This week we started a new unit in math about 2-dimensional shapes.  It's a nice change from our unit on addition.  Today we learned about sorting shapes by attribute and that shapes can be open or closed, curved or have straight sides.  We also learned that the math word for corner is "vertex" or plural "vertices".  In this unit we will learn new shapes such as hexagon and trapezoid.  We will combine and "take apart" two dimensional shapes along with learning about equal and unequal parts, halves, and fourths. 
  • Today we read a story called The Two Dogs and are continuing our work on vowel combinations.  Especially the 'oo' (like soon) sound and spelling.  We will continue to work on writing multiple sentences on a given topic.  This week we will write sentences about Pilgrims to go along with a Pilgrim art project.  We will continue to learn about Ancient Egypt.  Today we learned about the Great Pyramid and later this week we will learn about the Sphinx. 
  • Take home books were sent home today.  Remember that they are due each Thursday.  If you did not get them turned in on Thursday then your child will not have new books today.  Library books are also due on Thursday! The November reading calendar will be due December 1 the Tuesday after we return from Thanksgiving break. 
Have a nice Monday and Happy Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, November 9, 2020

Newsletter November 9 - November 13

 This will be short and sweet today--to be honest it's 5:00 and I need to get home and get the finishing touches on a chapter of my master's thesis tonight. 

Here are few things of interest:

  • Masks!  You might have heard the governor's new statewide mask mandate.  We've always done that in school so there are not any changes here.  I did have three students forget to bring a mask today--my box is now empty, but thanks to a generous parent I have another box for days like today.  Please remember to send your child with a mask everyday and please talk to them about the importance of wearing one.
  • This week we are finishing up our chapter of addition strategies.  We have been working on adding three numbers and tomorrow we will work on word problems using 3 addends.  We will then review all of the concepts we have learned and then test on Friday.  We will then move to concepts such as telling time to the hour and half hour, measurement, graphs, geometry (three-dimensional and two dimensional shapes) during the "holiday" months of November and December.
  • In reading we are also finishing up unit 2 this week.  We will test tomorrow on long vowel patterns.  Students will spell and read words with long vowels (words such as rake, hide etc.).  We have nouns down--and even can tell the difference between a common and proper noun.  In writing we have been writing in our journals almost daily and this month we will write about turkeys (factual sentences) and also about what we are thankful for.  I try to combine writing with some sort of art so we'll make pilgrims, and paint turkeys over the next couple of weeks.  
  • We finished our unit on the human body after learning about the food pyramid and the 5 keys for a healthy body.  We are now going back to our unit on ancient world civilizations and especially concentrating on Ancient Egypt--we have learned about the importance of the Nile river and have learned about and practiced writing in hieroglyphs.  Next we will learn about the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx and King Tut along with a female Pharaoh Hatshepsut.  
  • Tomorrow we will welcome another new student, Sofia.  That will bring our class total to 17.  
  • Remember to keep reading your take-home books and return them on Thursday.  Mark your minutes on the November reading calendar.  
  • Today we took our extra recess (it was extra fun in the snow) as a reward for the school meeting the PTA fundraiser goal.  Thanks for sending warm clothes today--keep that in mind every time the weather changes.  I actually have a boys size 7/8 coat that was donated last year and then the schools closed and..... well...  if any of you are in need of a coat please sent me a private message and I will send it home with your son.  It's a very nice brand new coat and I would love to see it go to needy hands.
That wasn't that short!  But, I'm going now.  Thanks for you help with my masters project by responding to the surveys and reading with your child every night!

Happy Monday Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, November 2, 2020

Newsletter November 2 - November 6

 Happy November, Happy Birthday Lola and surprise it rained! This will definitely be an interesting week especially with the upcoming presidential election.  

We had a wonderful Halloween day at school and I heard many experiences with trunk or treats, face painting and spooky parties.    Here are this week's happenings:

  • The following bits of information have also been sent home via REMIND (our East Remind).  If you do not have that set up yet and don't know how to do it please let me know and I can get you the information.               
    • The nurse sent a message about student's not bringing masks to school.  We haven't really had a huge problem in our class, but I am almost out of the box that I received at the beginning of the year of back up masks and as soon as those are out I will have to send students who forget or lose theirs to the office.
    • Free breakfast and lunch is being extended through the end of the year or until funds run out--how wonderful is that?!
    • All items in the lost and found will be donated after this Friday--if your child is missing an item please have them look for it--if you send me a message I can remind your child to look their lost piece of clothing :)
  • November reading calendars were sent home today.  The October calendars are due by this Wednesday for a certificate, treat and pizza hut coupon for a free personal pizza.  This is the only "homework" I require--thanks for reading with your child each night and/or practicing sight words.  
  • This week in math we are learning about how to "make a ten" to add.  Using this strategy students use an addition problem such as 9 + 5 = where they take 1 from 5 to "make a ten" then the problem is "easier" as it becomes 10 + 4 = 14 so 9 + 5 also = 14.  At the end of the week we will start adding three numbers ( 3 + 5 + 4 = ). 
  • In reading we are finishing up our second unit that focused mostly on long vowel sounds (silent e).  Many students are still slow in decoding (reading) words with the long vowel sounds in them so we will continue to reinforce that concept as we start into unit 3.  We are almost finished with our Human Body unit--we learned about immunizations and pasteurization last week and this week we will concentrate on healthy eating and the food pyramid. We will then head back to our Ancient World civilizations and begin our study of Ancient Egypt.  
Have a happy Monday, read with and love your kids!!  This is a special bunch!!  

Happy Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, October 26, 2020

October 26 - October 30

Happy Halloween Week! 

 Brrrr...  thanks for sending your child with coats and warm clothes today.  We didn't go outside for break as the temperature never surpassed the 25 degree threshold.  26 degrees is still cold so watch the weather and continue to send warm coats with your child when the weather is wintery.  Knowing Cedar weather we'll warm right back up.  

Here are this week's happenings:

  • The eagle Fun Run is going on for 7 more days.  In our class we have raised $475 towards our goal of $525.  If we can reach that $525 goal we will win a silly string party.  Thanks for registering, logging fitness minutes, and reaching out to friends and neighbors for donations.  The school has reached another milestone of $12,000 so we will receive extra recess.  I will do that on a warmer day and hopefully use a different playground. 
  • Miss Mallory is back to help pass off sight word lists.  If your child hasn't passed off a list for a while I had her send home a new list today--check in your child's homework folder.  Remember she's here everyday except Wednesday to pass off those lists.
  • Today I sent via e-mail a post-research survey.  If you remember I am in my last semester of my master's program and working on action research for my thesis--I am at the end of the research period and part of my research is using survey responses. If you wouldn't mind please fill out the survey--I'd really appreciate it. 
  • Our Halloween parade will be this Friday, October 30 from 2:45-3:00 on the north playground.  Remember that students will be walking inside the fence and parents/spectators can assemble along the outside of the fence.  Students can come to school dressed in their costumes. Please save the blood and gore and full face masks for other occasions.  
  • A new batch of take-home books were sent home today.  Remember to sign the sheet inside of the bag to get new books the next week.  I hope that you are noticing improvements in your child's reading.  If you have any concerns please don't hesitate to contact me.
  • In our learning we are continuing to work on addition within 20.  We have learned several long vowel spellings (ee, a_e, i_e and o_e) and are working on writing complete sentences using a sentence start.  We have filled in several pages of our journals with sentences starting with I can, I have, I am, or I see......  We finished our last body system today, the Nervous system, and will continue our learning about our bodies as we learn about nutrition and exercise and this year our lessons on germs and immunizations will especially be poignant and understandable.  
  • Reading calendars for my class--I know it gets confusing with the PTA bookmarks, the take-home books sheet and my calendar, but those are due when we return in November.  Remember that students receive a small treat and coupon for Pizza Hut.  I remember taking my kids to get their Pizza Hut reward--hopefully it's a little incentive to keep them reading :)
Have a wonderful Monday and Happy Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

October 20 - October 23

 Happy Tuesday--I hope you all had a nice three day weekend!  It was a beautiful day for the Pumpkin Patch.  Afterwards we completed a Pumpkin Life Cycle flip book to reinforce the experience.  

In addition to our field trip today here are this week's happenings:
  • Take home books came home today--there will only be two books this week and they are still due on Thursday.  I hope you are having your child read them to your more than once :). 
  • The SUU student who comes in to help pass off sight word lists will not be here this week.  We will resume passing off lists next week for Sight Word Soldiers.  Please consider working on these words if you have neglected this--it's very helpful. 
  • The PTA fundraiser runs through October 25.  Remember if you just register your child they will receive a jump rope and that I will hand those out privately to students.  We are working towards a class silly string party.  Here's the website 
  • We have been given permission to hold our Halloween costume parade on Friday, October 30.  Here are the details--students are free to wear a costume that day to school (come dressed in their costume).  Remember that students should not have full masks and stay away from blood and gore. Crowns, hats, face make up, wigs etc. are acceptable.  The parade will be outside.  We (1st and 2nd graded)  will be walking on the inside of the north playground from 2:45-3:00.  Parents can  stand outside the fence around the playground.  Please remember social distancing guidelines :) 
  • We have been busy learning!  We are continuing to learn about our body systems.  We have learned about our skeletal, muscular, and digestive systems and will dive into our circulatory and nervous systems this week.  
  • In reading we are continuing to learn about long vowel spellings.  We have learned 'ee" spells  /e/ (sound) and a_e and i _e spell the /ae/ and /ie/ sounds.  In addition I am adding in some extra practice on the digraphs sh, ch, and th.  We worked a little bit on /sh/ last week and will add /ch/ this week.  We will especially contrast those two sounds. 
  • In math we will continue to work on addition with sums up to 20.  We worked  a lot on counting on to add using "rocks and sticks" and just started adding doubles.  We will start having traditional timed math fact "tests" in class to help with the memorization of these facts.  This chapter shows students many different strategies to "add".  We mostly focus on the counting on strategy as our first graders do not seem to be developmentally ready for the other strategies especially since addition facts are not memorized yet.  We will touch on those strategies but not focus on them.  The other strategies are called "doubles plus and doubles minus one" and "Make a ten".  In doubles plus or double minus one students take a known doubles fact and then add one or subtract one.  Example: 5 + 6 = (5 +5 = 10 so 5 + 5 +1 = 10 as 6 is one more than 5).  You can see the value in the strategy but also how that could be difficult.  The make a ten strategy would be equations such as 9 + 4 = (students take 1 from 4 to make a 10 then solve 10 +3 = 13).  Again you can see this as a helpful strategy  and know that as adults we use this strategy mentally all of the time, but for first graders it will not be  an automatic thing yet.  That's why we introduce it but concentrate more on the counting on method. 
  • Remember if you want to order Scholastic books for October the due date is TODAY!  I will extend that until tomorrow just in case you might have forgotten (like I did). 
Have a great Tuesday and Happy Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, October 12, 2020

Newsletter October 12 - October 19

 Today was the first day of our second quarter of school.  If you want to see how your child is progressing on mastering first grade standards you are welcome to log onto Mastery Connect.  If you have any questions please contact me.

Here are this week's happenings:

  • Today I sent home information about the PTA sponsored Virtual Fun Run.  If you just register your child at they will receive a jump rope.  If our class meets our goal then we will receive a Silly String Party.  The fundraiser runs starting this Friday from October 19 - October 25.  
  • Scholastic book orders were also sent home today.  The due date for that order is next Tuesday, October 20.  The best way to order is using the online code on the attached letter.  This is optional of course but this month if you place a $10 order you will receive a free book.  I noticed a great collection of fall books for $11 (that's just a little bit over $1.00 a book).  
  • We are still waiting on bus approval but I am going to say that the Robinson Family Pumpkin Patch field trip is a go.  That field trip will be next Tuesday, October 20.  We will leave by bus at 12:30 and return by 2:00.  Each student will come home with a pumpkin that day.  The PTA has generously supported this field trip (that's why they have fundraisers as discussed previously:).  You signed permission for all field trips on your child's registration, but you can always opt out of any field trip.  This year I would imagine we will not attend or go on many field trips, but since this one is outside it was approved.  
  • Today some students received the Red Eagle award for the PTA reading program (booksmarks).  I will send a picture through REMIND for you to see.  All awards this year will be virtual like that.  Including our first quarter awards and Lexia awards.  The school awards this year will be just "Catch the Vision" awarded to a boy and girl in our class (think all around awesome student) and a "Most Improved Award" We will not have attendance awards this year as we want to be conscientious and stay home when we are sick. Those awards should happen sometime this week after I receive them.  I will again send a picture home via REMIND. 
  • In our learning we have now moved back again to addition concepts.  This time students will add within 20.  We will learn a couple of strategies to help with this.  The one we have learned today is called "Rock and sticks" (it's my name for a counting on strategy).  Here's an example: Let's say students have the problem 9 + 5 = they will first determine the greater number (9) and circle it (rock) and then will draw "sticks" from the rock to count on.  Students then say the number in the "rock" and count on using the sticks (say 9 then 10, 11, 12, 13, 14). The last number they say is the  sum.  We will also learn how to use a number line to do the same thing.  Basically counting on is using the greater addend and learning how to count on from that number.  We again reinforced the commutative property of addition today where the order of the addends does not change the sum.  
  • In reading we are learning about long vowels.  We have learned how to spell the /e/ (sound) as 'ee' and the /ae/ (sound) as a_e.  We are are now expanding our knowledge of nouns by learning about proper nouns and are writing sentences using sentence starts (I can ....... or My skeleton......).  We are learning a lot out our bodies and today we learned about the muscular system.  We spent a few days on the skeletal system and even made some great skeletons to go along with our learning.  Maybe ask your child is they remember what the "biggest muscle in their body" is called.  

  • Please remember to work on your child's sight word lists--I have a handful of kids that are really cruising through those lists.  That will help with their reading.  If you need another list please let me know and I can send home another one.  Continue reading the leveled take home books too!  A new set came home today.  Those will again be due this Thursday as well as library books.
Don't forget that we have a three-day weekend to look forward to--when we come back on Tuesday we will go to the pumpkin patch that afternoon.  I am so privileged to teach this great group of first graders!  Have a great Monday.

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, October 5, 2020

Newsletter October 5 - October 9

 Welcome to October--this is the last week of our first quarter of school!  I am so glad we are still in school and have made it this far! It was nice to visit with you last week for SEP's.  Please don't hesitate to contact me anytime with questions or concerns.

Here are this week's happenings:

  • Picture retakes (or taking for the first time) are this Friday, October 9.  If your child did not get their picture taken they will go, but I will not send students who already had their pictures taken unless you let me know.
  • Take-home books were again sent home tonight.  I can't reiterate enough how much it helps to have books on your child's independent reading level to read at home.  Please take advantage of this.  September reading calendars are due this Wednesday for a certificate and treat (due October 1) but giving you a few days to get them in.  I told my students today about the last chance Wednesday deadline.
  • If you haven't signed the computer use form on powerschool please do that by this Wednesday, October 7.  Believe me I wish I could do it for you, but I appreciate those that have signed it so your child can continue to use a computer at school. If not during computer time your child will be doing an alternate activity.
  • We are trying for a field trip to the pumpkin patch on Tuesday,  October 20.  I will let you know more details about that if we get approval and transportation. 
  • Remember that we have Monday, October 19 off for Harvest Holiday.
  • In our learning we have just finished our first unit in reading.  This unit was mostly a review of kindergarten "stuff".  We reviewed all the letter sounds, and names along with the /sh/, /ch/, and /th/ sounds as well as double consonants (ff, ss etc.).  In unit 2 we will begin looking at and learning about long vowel sounds.  We will start with words with "vowel consonant e" (silent e, words like 'take' etc.).  
  • We just finished learning about ancient Mesopotamia.  We learned about the importance of the rivers, religion in Mesopotamia, writing, and about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.  Ask your child about the Hanging Gardens :). We are now moving to our unit our the Human body which we will continue in October since it fits in well with Halloween and skeletons.  We will then pick up with the Ancient world civilizations unit and study Ancient Egypt. 
  • In math we are almost finished with our unit on subtraction within 10.  We have learned how to  'take-apart numbers' (9 - 0, 9 -1, 9 -2 etc.).  Students understand simple subtraction problems right now, but we need some more work on "parts of number" and how addition and subtraction relate.  That will come in subsequent chapters.  We will also work more on recognizing if a word problem requires an addition or subtraction equation to solve it. 
  • We will NOT have library this week.  You are welcome to send back those library books anytime though and your child can keep them in their mailbox here at school until the following Thursday, or you can keep them home until our next library day which will be Thursday, Oct. 15.
Happy Reading (remember to read every night for 10 minutes--the take home books are the BEST!)
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, September 21, 2020

Newsletter September 21 - September 25

 Hi--we are starting our 5th week of school.  I am so glad we are still learning in a face to face setting.  

Here are this week's happenings:

  • I just sent two e-mails--one with a survey for my masters project that I sent home information on last week.  It's a super quick, anonymous survey and will just take you a few minutes to fill out.  This other is a google doc to sign up for ZOOM SEP's (parent teacher conferences) next week.  Even though ZOOM is not the most ideal way to speak with you and your child I do think that connecting and speaking to each other is important so that I can answer any questions you might have and make sure you understand my classroom expectations and I can let you know how your child is doing in school so far this year. School will dismiss next week everyday at 2:30 (even Wednesday) because of these conferences.  I am going to send home a little packet of information by the end of the week with items for you to look over before we meet (if possible).  Please watch for that in your child's homework folder. 
  • Take-home books were sent home today.  Please read the blue note in the bag and if you have any further questions please don't hesitate to contact me.  In a nutshell--please have your child read one book each night 3 times each (M,T, and W). Date, sign and check of # of times read on the white sheet in the bag.  Return the bag on Thursday and then next Monday three more new books will come home with return again on the following Thursday. 
  • I have a few students who are returning their "blue slips" for our sight word soldiers program.  Remember to practice these lists and send back the blue note whenever your are confident that you child is ready to pass off the list. I have helpers from SUU here every day to pass those off.  Having an automatic storage of sight words is very helpful for beginning readers especially since most sight words cannot be sounded out and are very plentiful in all texts. 
  • This week in math we are finishing up our unit on addition concepts.  We will take our first test tomorrow and have a review/intervention day on Wednesday concerning addition with sums to 10.  We will then dive right into subtraction concepts. 
  • In reading we are reviewing short vowel sounds, double consonants (ff, zz etc.), blending sounds into words, digraphs (sh, ch, th) and reading from our "decodable reader".  A decodable reader is a book that only has words that your child should know from our learning.  For example words with known digraphs (sh, ch and th), or words with short vowel sounds, or sight words we have reviewed would be highlighted in these books.  Right now we are reading a book called Snapshots.  We are reading about Beth and her friend Nat that she met at camp.  Beth and her mom just made a trip to the UK to visit Nat and we just met his cat, Bud.  Right now we are especially concentrating on following print as we read.  Something that I would suggest when you read at home with your child is that you have them "track the print" with their finger.  That means moving their finger underneath the words as they read them.  There is significant research touting the benefits of having beginning readers track the print.  We have found that this has been difficult for our students this year so reinforcing it at home would be helpful.  
  • Actually if you want any tips or pointers on how to help your child read at home I am happy to offer assistance.  I can answer those questions during our SEP conference or you can reach out to me at any time and I am happy to offer my advice.  
  • I still have many of you that have not logged onto power school and signed the computer-use and other forms that NEED to be signed there this year.  Students who do not have the computer-use form signed by the first week in October will not be allowed to use the computers in school.    Some of you have asked for your child's power school information and that has been sent home to you.  For the others who haven't asked and who haven't signed those forms I am sending home power school login information tomorrow (look in your child's homework folder for an envelope with their name on it). Please do this!  If you have any problems please let me know and I will figure out the answer :). 
I think that's it--sorry I sent so many new things home today. Please take a minute and read the take-home books note, check out my survey, and sign up for an SEP spot.

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, September 14, 2020

Newsletter September 14 - September 18

 We are embarking on our 4th week of school--I am excited that we continue to be face to face.  I think it's the best way for little ones to learn.

Here are this week's happenings:

  • There are several things in your child's homework folder today (please make sure that comes back everyday).  The first is an opt out letter for my Master's research project.  I am in my last semester of my master's program at SUU.  For my thesis I am gathering data about rereading books at home and it's effect on a student's reading fluency.  I sent home a letter explaining that project a little and allowing your child to opt out if desired.  Let me first say that students will not be asked to do anything that I won't already ask--when take home books start I will encourage those books to be read three times (I've done that for a few years now).  Student information will be kept confidential and there will be no judgments whether you do the reading at home or not--any evidence I gather will be so helpful for my thesis project.  I appreciate your help and if you see that I am frazzled at times you will know why :) getting a Masters is not for the faint of heart :) 
  • The second is sheet outlining our take-home library books and how that will look this year.  Please sign the bottom portion of that sheet and return it with your child.  I am super excited about the take home library to start.  It really helps to have books on your child's independent reading level at home to read. Take home books will start coming home next Monday, September 21. 
  • The third is a list of sight word and an explanation for our Sight Word Soldiers program.  I was given help from two SUU students so they will be passing off those sight word lists as soon as they come in.  On the note it said every day but Wednesday, but today I learned I will have help on Wednesday too.  You can cut the sight words up into little flash cards or simply just point to them out of order until your child can read them automatically.  I have noticed since returning to school that my students need extra sight word practice so this program will be especially helpful this year. 
  • The scholastic book order that I sent home last week is due tomorrow if you'd like to order some the best way is to do it online using the online code I provided.
  • SEP conferences (parent teacher conferences) are just around the corner.  They will be held September 28 - October 2.  We will be conducting these through ZOOM this year.  Next week I will send home a little packet of information that I would like you to look over before our ZOOM appointment.  I will also share with you a google form where you can sign up for a ZOOM time.  These will be for 15 minutes and will give us a chance to talk about your child and how they are doing in school.  It will also be a good time to ask any questions you might have.  
  • We are working our way through the kindergarten review chapter in our CKLA (reading) program.  Today we reviewed the digraphs 'ch' and 'sh'.  Students are getting better at blending sounds into words.  We learned too that nouns are words that not only name people but also things.  On Wednesday we will start our first reader called SnapShots.  We will follow two friends Beth and Nat as they have adventures here and in the UK.  Reading groups will start this Thursday.  Groups are being moved around a bit still so I will inform you if your child will be going to a reading group outside of my classroom by the end of the week.  All students will be in a  small reading group from 9:45-10:30 daily except Wednesday.  
  • In math today we learned about ways to "make 5 and make 9" (think 0 + 5, 1 + 4, 2 + 3 etc. for 5).  We took a little quiz today on adding in any order and my students seem to understand the concept based on the results of that quiz.  For the remainder of this week we will work more on ways to make a number especially "ways to make ten", we will practice addition to 10 (sums up to 10) and will take another quiz on Friday to test their understanding of ways to make 10. 
  • We are continuing our unit on Fables and Folktales.  Today we read a Jewish folktale called the Crowded Noisy House where we learned to be happy with what we have because "it can always be worse".  Students learned a couple of yiddish terms "oh vey" and "kvetches".  Ask them about the story.  We will also read two more folktales The Tale of Peter Rabbit and All Stories are Anansi's before the end of the week.  
Please let me know if you have any questions--I'm happy to take phone calls or you can send me an e-mail or a REMIND.

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Newsletter September 8 - September 11

 Welcome back after Labor Day weekend.  I hope that you all have an enjoyable break.  It's amazing the drop in temperatures from last week.  Thanks for sending jackets with your kids.  We go outside for fresh air breaks unless it we are experiencing sub freezing temperatures, it's raining or snowing.  

Here are this week's happenings:

  • Picture day is this Friday--another reminder and payment form was sent home today in your child's homework folder.  All students will get their pictures taken regardless is payment is made. 
  • I placed a Scholastic book order in your child's homework folder last Friday.  These orders are optional but a nice way to get some inexpensive books for your home library and it helps to get books for our classroom library each time an order is made.   The best way to order these books is using the online code that was attached to the letter on the fliers.  The online code is always posted on the side bar of this blog.  The orders will be due Tuesday, September 15. 
  • Also in your child's homework folder is a flier about a PTA fundraiser for "Starving Student card"--these are coupon type books that a percentage of the proceeds comes back to our school.  This year rather than a typical coupon book it will be all online.  The flier I sent home outlines the details of the fundraiser.  Consider purchasing one if you would like to--I know that I use mine and it pays for itself after a few uses. 
  • Remember that our library day is on Thursday--please help your child to remember to return their books so that they can check out some new ones this Thursday.  I will send a REMIND message tomorrow to remind you!
  • I hope you are all reading with your child for 10 minutes each night.  Some of you have started filling out the PTA reading eagle bookmark in addition to our reading calendar.  Those were sent home in the homework folders the first day of school.  As your child finishes those bookmarks they can return them here in exchange for a new one.  I have not heard about awards ceremonies this year, but will let you know about that as soon as I hear.  In the past I have helped in class so that my students can get the highest award possible for the PTA awards since I only require 10 minutes of reading and to get the highest award students would have to read more than 10 minutes a night.  When our reading groups start I will start adding ten minutes each day to a PTA bookmark here in class.  Those will be added to the bookmarks that you fill out at home.  Of course you can read more than 10 minutes at home but I've found and research supports just ten minutes a night for first graders.  Right now I want the reading to be enjoyable!  If that means you are doing most of the reading to your child because the books you are have too difficult for your child to read right now then do that.  When the take-home books start coming home you should switch that up and your student should do most of the reading to you.  If the books are too hard it will just be frustrating to your child and reading will not feel enjoyable to them. 
  • Our SEP conferences (parent teacher conferences) will be held the week of September 28 - October 2.  This year along with so many other things those conferences will look very different.  My guess is we will schedule those "visits" via ZOOM.  After meeting with my first grade team tomorrow, I will get back to you on how we will proceed with those conferences.  At those conferences I will let you know how your child performed on the DIBELS reading test and we can discuss how your child is doing in school and progressing in not only reading but math and behavior as well.  Of course I am happy to discuss how your child is doing at any time so if you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out. SCHOOL DISMISSES EVERYDAY INCLUDING WEDNESDAY DURING SEP WEEK!
  • Ok now for our curriculum.... This week we are continuing to review sounds and letters and blending those sounds into words.  We are also taking words and breaking them apart into sounds.  We have learned a few "tricky words" (a, I, so, no, to, all, and some) as well as are working on our handwriting.  We finished our last fable today "The Fox and the Grapes" and will start some more stories (fiction yes, but not considered fables) this week.  We will read "The Little Half Chick" and "All Stories are Anansi's". Ask your students to retell the stories or fables to you.  In math we took a quiz on the learning target "using pictures to add".  Students had to look at a picture and then come up with the corresponding addition sentence (example; 3 dogs and 2 dogs students would need to write 3 + 2 = 5).  We will work on reinforcing, enriching or reteaching this concept to all students. Some will need enrichment others will need more practice or possibly reteaching.  Today we learned the rule of adding 0 to a number and we will then move onto the target of "adding in any order" (think; 3 + 2 = 5 and 2 + 3 = 5).  We learned today that the "answer" to an addition problem is called the "sum".  
  • We are still working on classroom expectations.  I hope that you saw your child's behavior chart last Friday (smiley faces on it).  Those will be sent home every Friday.  Students who are green all week or above green get to pick out of the treasure box. 
I hope that you have a Happy Tuesday--remember that tomorrow is Wednesday and it's early out!

Happy Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Newsletter August 31 - September 4

 Hello and welcome to Mrs. Armstrong's first grade newsletter.  Rather than send home written newsletters I post a blog newsletter weekly.  It will be your responsibility to read this weekly for announcements, calendar items and to learn about what we are doing in our classroom. Make sure that you check out the sidebar of this blog also if you are using your phone to view this scroll down to view the "web version". 

Here's what's happening this week:

  • Today I sent home our first reading calendar (September) in your child's homework folder (remember that these come back and forth EVERYDAY).  If you watched my BTSN night video you know that the only "homework" I expect in first grade is reading 10 minutes each school night.  I prefer that the students read to you but since the take-home library has not started yet any reading together for 10 minutes now is just great.  Please mark down how many minutes your child reads on the calendar each night and sign it and return it at the end of the month for a certificate, little treat, and a coupon for a free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut. 
  • Don't forget to send water bottles with your child.  We were given permission to use the drinking fountains today for those that forget a water bottle, but it's much more sanitary to have water bottles rather than several students drinking one after the other from the fountain.  Please wash them and fill them up every day.
  • This week we started our behavior charts.  Each week students try to stay "green" or above on my behavior clip chart.  They will bring home a behavior chart each week showing you how they did.  Please talk to your child about how they are doing in school.  If your child is green all week then on Friday they get to pick out of the "green treasure box".  We are still learning about rules and expectations in first grade.  Learning appropriate behavior and social cues is just as important as the academic learning that students will receive in first grade.
  • This week our reading aides began testing students using the state mandated test of DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Early Literacy Skills).  After this testing is complete students we will begin having small reading groups.  If your child will be receiving reading group services outside of my classroom I will inform of that.  I am excited for small reading groups to start--that is my favorite part of teaching first grade and it's where the magic happens. 
  • School pictures will be Friday, September 11.  We are using a different company this year and I will send you information about prices when I receive it. 
  • Our first week was spent getting to know each other and to establish classroom rules.  This week we are diving right into learning.  In our reading we are reading letter sounds and blending sounds into words.  We are learning the differences between vowel sounds and consonants sounds and were introduced to nouns.  We have also been hearing Fables this week--today we read "The Goose and the Golden Egg".  We also read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" and "The Maid and the Milkpail".  Ask your child what the moral of these fables are. 
  • In math we are learning about addition concepts.  We are using concrete models to show addition this week and learning about what an addition sentence looks like.  
  • We are doing our best with social distancing and mask wearing.  I still have some students who I am constantly reminding to put on their masks.  I appreciate those who have reinforced the importance of wearing masks--I know it's not easy, but it keeps us face to face in school!!
  • Remember that it's Labor Day next Monday--so have a nice long weekend!
  • Please feel free to reach out to me anytime with questions or concerns.  Remind is the perfect way to contact me--or I will get back to you over e-mail as soon as I can, but it is not as immediate.  Thanks for you support!
Happy Tuesday and Happy Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, March 9, 2020

Newsletter March 9 - March 13

Happy first day of Daylight Savings (not my favorite, until summer rolls around).  This is the last week of our third quarter.  I'm always astounded how fast the second half of the year goes by.

Here are this week's happenings:

  • We collected enough money for the ballet and have some extra to pad our field trip fund for the remainder of the year.  Thank you so much for the extra help!  We will send home a note in the next couple of weeks outlining our final field trips and ask for a lump sum to cover those trips.  Just as a heads up we will be going to the play Once Upon a Mattress at SUU in April, and then to the Aquatic Center and St. George Children's museum and carousel ride in May.  For the ballet we will be leaving East at 9:20 and walking to the Heritage Center Theater and return around 11:00.  
  • PTA reading awards will be this Thursday at 3:00 in our classroom.  I sent notes home today for those that will be receiving an award.  They are in your child's folder.
  • Our 100-book challenge is in full swing.  Congratulations to Harper for being the first to read 100 books!  Students have until the middle of May to complete this challenge.
  • Last week we wrote Rainforest Habitat paragraphs.  They are hanging outside of our classroom with our jaguar art.  I was very pleased with the paragraphs and am amazed at the progress we have made in writing over this year.  Our next paragraphs will center around opinions rather than facts, but will follow the same format of an opening sentence, followed by sentences to support that, and ending with a closing sentence. We are finishing up Unit 5 this week in reading and have a few more stories to read in Kate's book.  Today we read Two Good Things and One Bad--ask your child why the story had that title. 😀
  • In math we are working on numbers with 1 ten and some ones (i.e. 15 or 19).  It's a bit difficult for first graders at first to understand one group of ten is not 10 tens, but I think we have crossed that hurdle in the past couple of days.  I used a 100-book challenge note on Friday to help "show" them that we just had 1 note, but ten books on the note and related that to 1 group of ten.  This week we will model tens (numbers like 20 or 50) and then move to multiple groups of tens and ones (43 or 56).  Students will model these numbers and then write the numerical representation. During our intervention time on Wednesday students will be working with counting on by 10 in their respective groups.  Some will receive enrichment with that concept others will be given extra guidance with that concept.  
  • Today we started our unit on Astronomy.  We barely got into discussing the earth's atmosphere and outer space.  We will learn about the earth, planets, stars, the moon, constellations, and the sun to name a few.  My students were excited today as we began our discussion. 
  • Don't forget that we have next Monday and Tuesday off before 4th quarter begins.  I will actually be gone the following Thursday and Friday for a conference in Salt Lake City with other team leaders from East.  I'm really excited about it as it will help with our intervention groups that we have incorporated this year.  
Happy Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Newsletter March 2 - March 6

Happy Dr. Seuss Week!

Here are this week's happenings:

  • I hope that you saw the note about Field trips specifically those that cost a little bit to attend.  We want to go to the ballet on March 13 at the Heritage Center, but now if all of the money is not collected then we have to cancel the trip.  If you can, please send the $1.00 by this Friday, March 6.  We wanted to give the theater time to get another group if we happen to cancel so that's why the quick turn around.  Next time we'll be more prompt in letting you know, but sometimes like this something just comes up and we jump on it.  
  • I sent home yearbook order forms yesterday.  You can send back the order form with a check or I noticed that you can also order those online.  
  • Spring pictures are this Friday, March 6.  I just barely got that notice in my box today.  I sent that home.  In the past, spring pictures are only for those that order a package.  We used a different company this year so I will double check on that and let you know. If you don't hear anything through REMIND then know that it's like I presumed.  If you could just let me know though if you want your child's picture taken, especially if you ordered online so I will be sure to send them down at our appointed time.  Just like the yearbooks you can order online or send in money with the order form.  
  • Last week we attempted to write paragraphs on the forest habitat.  I rushed it a bit as I was leaving for the state basketball tournament and many kids struggled writing one on their own.  This week we will focus on that process of writing a paragraph on the Rainforest habitat.  Then will move into opinion paragraphs.  
  • In math we just started our unit on Counting and Modeling numbers (think place value).  Today we counted on by tens starting at a given number (17, 27, 37.....).  Students get the 10, 20, 30 pattern, but some struggled with  counting on by tens when it wasn't in that familiar sequence.  We will work on that  tomorrow during our Math WIN time. For the remainder of the week students will build numbers starting with 10 and adding ones (ex. 13 = 1 ten and 3 ones).  
  • In reading we are still working on alternative spellings for consonant sounds.  Today we worked on the /r/ (sound) and learned that another way to spell it is 'wr'.  
  • The 100-book challenge is going strong.  I have excited students every morning as they bring in lists of books that they have read.  Remember that challenge goes until May 15. I think we'll have many students in the newspaper this year :)
  • Sight Word Soldiers is tomorrow--every Wednesday and the February reading calendars are due this Friday, March 6 for a certificate, treat and pizza coupon.  March reading calendars were sent home yesterday. 
  • Just a reminder that in March students have March 16th and 17th off.  
Happy March Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, February 24, 2020

Newsletter February 24 - February 28

I'm getting back on the newsletter "wagon".  This week I will be gone both Thursday and Friday for state basketball games at Weber state where my son's team from CHS will be playing.  In the morning we are heading to the Heritage Center for a piano concert.  If someone would like to walk over with us please let me know.  Right now I haven't heard from anyone yet--I'd love at least one volunteer to walk with us.  I talked to my students today about respectful appropriate behavior during a concert please reiterate that at home tonight and as you send them to school tomorrow. 

Here are other happenings this week:

  • Nice job with those that are choosing to participate in our 100-book challenge.  It is proving to be motivating to some students and I love how excited they are to share their lists with the class.  Remember take-home books count and if you child is reading nightly this challenge will be easy to accomplish.
  • In math this week we are finishing up our unit on addition and subtraction relationships.  We have worked a lot with related facts and how to find a missing addend.  Today we worked with two equations and determined if they were true or false for example, 4 + 3 = 9 - 2 is true.  We will review for the test on Wednesday and the substitute will administer the test on Thursday.
  • In reading this unit deals with different consonant spellings for the same sound.  For example /t/ (sound) is spelled 't', 'tt', and 'ed'.  We are also learning about root words and endings as well as punctuation for declarative, questions or exclamatory sentences (., ?. or !).  We are becoming experts at writing paragraphs.  We have written paragraphs about groundhogs, the Desert Habitat and this week will write a paragraph about the Forest Habitat. These paragraphs have fit in well with our unit on Animal Habitats (smart right?).   This week's paragraph will be included on mastery connect.  In order for students to be proficient on paragraph writing the need to have an opening sentence, at least three details using facts for the middle of the paragraph, and a closing sentence.  I will also check for correction punctuation and capitalization.  Next month, our focus will go from informative paragraphs to opinion paragraphs.
  • I sent home a notice about Dr. Seuss week, March 2 - 6,  sponsored by the PTA.  Students are welcome to wear crazy socks and crazy hair on the assigned days.  We will read many Dr. Seuss books and learn a little bit about Theodor Geisel's life especially about his determination to publish a book after being turned down many times by multiple publishers. 
Thanks for all of your support and Happy Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Newsletter February 10 - February 14

I am going to make this short and sweet today.  I am running to get bags so we can make our Valentine's day bags (thanks for sending 50 cents to help with those) and my son has a basketball game tonight (maybe you have heard about my Luke who helps in my classroom).

So here goes:

  • Our Valentine's day party will be this Friday, Feb. 14 from 1:00-2:00.  I have already received help with the cookies, icing and sprinkles, but if you'd like to come and help you are more than welcome to come.  Students can bring their Valentine's to pass out that day.  We will pass them out during the party.
  • PTA reading awards are this Thursday, Feb. 13 at 3:00 in our classroom.  Notices were sent home today in your child's folder if they will be receiving an award.
  • If you have any Box Tops send them by Friday.  The class with the most will receive a donut party.
  • Scholastic book orders went home today.  They will be due next Wednesday, Feb. 19.  Order online it's the easiest!
  • 100-book challenge notes were sent home yesterday. Bentley, Austin and Addison are already on the board with 10 books each!  If you have questions about that (it's optional by the way) please send me an e-mail or text through REMIND.  I know you have a lot to do to track with reading.  Calendar, blue notes in their book bags, and PTA bookmarks and this might feel like just one more thing, but every year I am amazed at all of the books that my students read and if your child is reading their take-home books it's a piece of cake to complete.  Remember you can back track starting on January 21 using the purple note inside your child's take-home book bag is a good way to remember the titles of the books.  
  • I'll fill you in more on curriculum next week.  Just know that we are reading, writing, doing  math daily and learning about animal habitats :)
Don't forget that it's President's Day Holiday next Monday.  Have a nice three-day weekend!

Happy Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Newsletter January 27 - January 31

Can you believe how fast January has gone by?  If you remember me saying how it was a bit hard coming back after the Christmas holiday, but that the rest of the year would fly by--it happens every year!  I sent home SEP notices yesterday (which are next week), please return those ASAP so we can reschedule if necessary.  The best way to contact me to reschedule is through e-mail or REMIND.  I'll get right back to you and do my best to accommodate your request.  Remember that school dismisses every day next week for SEP's including Wednesday.  I look forward to meeting with all of you concerning your amazing child.

Here are this week's happenings and notices:

  • Red PTA reading bookmarks were sent home after our last awards program.  Those are due by February 7 for a free cookie along with the Eagle award.  The PTA representative in our class for the awards said they will be strictly honoring that deadline so please get those in on or before February 7.  The next awards ceremony will be Thursday, February 13 at 3:00.  Notices will be sent home earlier that week.
  • We will have a little Valentine's Day party on Friday, February 14 from 1:00-2:00.  We will decorate heart-shaped cookies and deliver Valentines to classmates.  If you signed up to help specifically with Valentine's day I will contact you by e-mail and ask for you to send something for help with the cookies.  If you would like to come and help that would be welcomed too.  We will decorate Valentine's Day bags in class--your child will NOT need to decorate and bring a box from home.  I have done this for the last few years and I think it's helpful for parents at home.  If you really want to decorate a box at home we could go that route also, but I want all students to have the same so if you really want to decorate at home let me know and if a majority feels that way I'll change it. Otherwise, when I send home a note about the party with a list of classmates for Valentines cards I will also ask for a small donation of 50cents to help cover the cost of the bags. I will send that note home next week so you can start thinking about or buying Valentine cards.  Right now we have 20 students in our class if that helps for early buying.  
  • I just noticed on the PTA newsletter that Grandparents breakfast is February 4 from 8:00-8:40 in the cafeteria.  I'm surprised I haven't seen a note to send home about that yet, but will double check on the accuracy of that notice and let you know or send home a note when I receive it.
  • The PTA is also sponsoring a Talent show on the night of Monday, February 24 at 6:00.  Sign-up notices will be sent home for that.  This is optional of course and talents are usually limited to 90 seconds or so.  
  • In an effort to keep our PE experience safer the PE teacher and I have implemented a new plan of action.  In short, if students get "three strikes" in one day they will be sent to student support for that remainder of PE for that day.  If students get a strike or time out two days in a row (not three strikes you are out but two days in a row of inappropriate behavior or not listening to directions) then the following two times those students will go to student support instead of PE.  If students are continually in student support then an alternative for PE may need to occur--possibly going to PE with another class for example. 
  • Last but not least in our learning we are almost done with Unit 4 in reading where we have learned all about r-controlled vowels, two-syllable words, and past-tense verbs along with writing several complete sentences using facts about a given topic.  This week we will write sentences about Groundhogs.  In math, we just completed unit 4 and started chapter 4 which concerns Addition and subtraction relationships so think the Fact families that I mentioned in our last newsletter.  Students will look at equations with missing addends or parts and will be able to figure out what belongs using their knowledge from addition and subtraction relationships.  For example 13 - ? = 7 students may count up from 7 to 13 to find the missing part.  They may use another subtraction fact 13 - 7 to get the missing part or use their knowledge of 6 + 7 = 13 to figure out the missing part.  We too are finishing up our unit on Early world civilizations.  Today we just learned about the sphinx from Ancient Egypt.  We will turn our studies to Animal Habitats and writing descriptive paragraphs in the next month.  
Whew!  That was long this time--please remember to turn in your SEP notice.

Have a nice Tuesday and Happy Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, January 13, 2020

Newsletter January 13 - January 17

Today was our 95th day of school.  I sent home notes about our 100th day which is next Tuesday, January 21 today in your child's folder.  Please look that over.  That will be a  fun day in first grade.  I also sent home notices to those that will be receiving a PTA reading award this Thursday at 3:00 in my classroom.  Thanks for keeping up on reading every night; our only "homework" in first grade.  It's making a difference!

Here are this week's happenings:

  • Dads and Donuts is this Thursday starting at 8:15 in the cafeteria.  Please send back the RSVP notice if your child and dad or grandma or male figure in their life can make it so the PTA knows how many donuts to order.
  • I will send home another Scholastic book order this week.  I will place that order next Wednesday, January 22.  
  • In our learning it's more of the same in reading..... two-syllable words, past-tense verbs, r-controlled vowels, writing multiple sentences on a given topic to prepare for paragraph writing, and Mesopotamia. In math we will start learning about fact families tomorrow (think; 3 + 5 = 8, 5 + 3 = 8, 8 - 5 = 3, and 8 - 3 = 5)
  • Since coming back from the holiday I have had to remind students a lot about appropriate behavior in the classroom.  If you would please talk to your child about good behavior at school. Ask them where their clip was at the end of the day.  Today we talked about our classroom being a "kindness zone."  For the most part that is happening but reminders at home are helpful. 
Happy Monday Reading!
Mrs. Armstrong

Monday, January 6, 2020

Newsletter January 6 - January 10

Welcome  back after a great break!  I felt like it was just the right amount of time.  New take-home books were sent home today as well as a new January reading calendar.  December reading calendars are due by this Thursday for a little treat, Pizza Hut coupon and certificate.

Here are this week's happenings:

  • Today we started "new" reading groups.  Most of my students have a new reading teacher or stay with me in my room now.  If you have questions about these groups please send me an e-mail.  We do the best we can at East to have small reading for ALL students regardless of reading level.  We also switched up our WIN groups ("What I Need" groups) in reading and writing today.  It's worked out that most of my students stay with me during this time, but rest assured wherever your child is during that time they are receiving instruction they need. 
  • In math, we have moved back to subtraction strategies.  We will concentrate on the counting back strategy as we feel that this is the most beneficial for students to understand as they subtract, but we will also learn other strategies such as "using 10 to subtract".  In this strategy students will use their knowledge of 10.  For example:  13 - 9 =  4, students use their knowledge of 9 + 1 = 10 then count up 3 more to make 13, from 9 to 13 is 4 or 1  + 3 so 13 - 9 = 4.  This is showing the relationship of addition to subtraction.  Some students "get it" others it's just an introduction. 
  • In reading we are still concentrating on decoding (sounding out) two syllable words and using the r-controlled vowels (ar, er, and or) in reading and writing.  We are reading from a non-fiction book and writing multiple sentences using facts.  By the end of this unit, students will be writing their first descriptive paragraphs based on information from the book.  
  • We will have a 100th day celebration on January 21--the day after MLK break.  I will send home information about that day by the end of the week.  There is just a little optional at home project that student can participate in (most of them really like it and feel badly if they don't do it).  Students can also dress up like they are 100 years old that day.  Watch for information about that day to come home this week.  
  • If you have any questions about your child's DIBELS scores I sent home please don't hesitate to contact me.  We can discuss that further during SEP week Feb. 3-7.  I just want you to get that week on your radar. School will dismiss at 2:30 every day that week. 
Happy Monday Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong