Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Newsletter May 18 - 22

We made it.  It's the last week of school.  I love summer weather, but always feel a little melancholy when I close my classroom door on the last day of school.  Thank you for having wonderful children and sharing them with me this year.  This has been a remarkable class of kids and I will miss them dearly.

We are having a fun week.  Yesterday, we had our reading reward assembly provided by our wonderful PTA.  We watched a fun assembly of juggling, jokes and balloon animals.  Today we made up our rained out field day (in between small sprinkles again).  We walked up to the Canyon park, and then played on the playground followed by a water balloon "toss" and launch. Thanks to Ben's mom, Dante's mom, and Kaden's mom for filling up and supplying water balloons for this activity.  This afternoon we visited the library in the park, and took a tour and got excited about the library's summer reading program.  Tomorrow we will watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Mrs. Vogel's class.  On Thursday, we will go to the school-wide "reward" movie in the morning and the aquatic center in the afternoon (I will send home a note tomorrow about the aquatic center). On Friday, we have our final assembly and autograph signing day, as well as clearing out our room.  School dismisses at 2:30 on Friday.

A note about the "reward" movie.  This year those students that have not returned their library books, or take-home book, or have an outstanding lunch balance will NOT be able to go to the movie, but will rather go to a reading group that morning.  Please make sure that your child turns finds their
 book (s) and/or pays their lunch account if necessary. They will also not receive their promotion cards and teacher placement for next year until these books are returned or the lunch account is settled.

On the last day of school I will send home promotion cards and your child's 4th quarter grades and reading test scores.  I will send it home in a big envelope so watch for that. 

Today I sent home lanyards about the "Unplugged" summer program.  This looks like a wonderful opportunity to keep your kids active and entertained over the summer.  You can log on and register for the program using the website on the back of the lanyard card.

Congratulations to these 11 students that read 100 books!  I will submit this picture to the Iron County Today newspaper and will inform you through e-mail when the publication date will be.   

Have a wonderful summer!  I know I will--my son returns from Argentina the end of July :) and for the last time this year--HAPPY READING!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Newsletter May 11 - 15

This week is a big week as we are finishing up with Unit 12 in math.  We will review on Wednesday, May 13 and I will test on Friday May 15.  May 15 is the day that all homework is due (including the May Reading Record). I will get grades done and will send them home with your child along with their DIBELS scores and promotion card by the last day of school. This year Mr. Moyle has informed us that we will not send home promotion cards (and teacher placement for next year) if your child hasn't returned their library books or take-home books and/or their lunch accounts are not paid in full.  This is our last week for spelling words.  I will also test on this final list on Friday as normal.

We usually go to the library on Friday, but since it's field day on Friday, I have rescheduled our library time for tomorrow (Tuesday, May 12).  I reminded my students probably 10 times today to bring their library books back tomorrow.  They will receive a free book if both of their library books are returned or if they have paid for their lost or damaged book (s).  If they happen to forget tomorrow, they can still turn their books in for a free book until Friday, May 15.  Take-home books also need to be returned.  If your child's take-home book hasn't been read, still have your child turn it in. The cost to replace a take-home book is $5.00.  Remember that promotion cards will not be handed out to those that do not return these books.

Tomorrow we are having our last First Grade Awards assembly at 2:30 in the lunchroom.  I sent e-mails to you if your child will be receiving an award.  Afterwards we will go directly into the gym for our last Life Skills Assembly.  This will be the group "Unplugged".  If you participated last year, it is where many businesses or organizations around town have activities or promotions to bring your child in to receive a "dog tag".  It sounds like a great opportunity to support our community and have fun things for your kids to do this summer. Watch for information to come home about that tomorrow. 

Thursday we are heading down to the St. George children's museum.  We will leave shortly after
9:00 a.m. so it is imperative that your child is on time that day.  We will return by 2:30.  Please make sure that your child has money in their lunch account to pay for their sack lunch if necessary.  Thank you to those volunteers that are coming with us to St. George.  The cost for this field trip is a $1.00 donation.

On Friday, we will be going to Canyon Park for field day.  We will leave East Elementary around 9:30 a.m. and hike the canyon trail, then play on the playground, and then have a water balloon toss. Thank you to Dante's mom and Ben's mom for helping to fill water balloons (I could use more if any of you would like to help).  We have heard that it might be storming that day, please watch your e-mail on Thursday evening or Friday morning as we may have to stay at the school for alternative activities.  After the field day activities, we will all eat lunch outside (weather dependent).  The lunchroom provides BBQ hamburgers that day with all the fixings. I'm crossing my fingers for nice weather.

Next week we  will have two more field trips.  On Tuesday, May 19 at 1:15 p.m. we will walk over to the City library and learn about the Summer Reading program and then play at the park.  Then on Thursday we will go to the Aquatic Center in the afternoon.  I still NEED one more adult volunteer to help us that day by getting in the pool and swimming with the kids.  Please e-mail me if you can help out.  Thanks to Dante's mom, Zoie's mom, Nash's mom and Kaden's mom for already being brave and volunteering to help out.  The cost for the swimming field trip is a $1.50 donation.  Please have your child come dressed in their swimming suit that morning (wear underneath clothes).  Bring a towel and a dry pair of underwear in a wal-mart bag to change afterwards.  We do not encourage bringing extra money for snacks.

A couple of more activities.  Thursday morning, before swimming we will go to a school-wide movie.  I am not sure what we will be watching yet, and on Friday morning we will have a final assembly where the students watch a DVD slide show of our year.  School dismisses at 2:30 on the final day of school!

Please e-mail me if you have any questions--this was a lot of information.

Happy Reading!!

Monday, May 4, 2015

May 4 - 8

We have two more Mondays left :)  I gave the Chapter 11 Math test today and started Chapter 12.  As I mentioned last week, I am going to double up on lessons in Chapter 12 to finish by May 15, but will only send home one homework sheet.  Thanks for hanging tough and helping your child with their homework during these last few weeks of school.  I will only send home spelling words for the next two weeks, and the April Reading Record is now due.  Remember that I will only give a treat and certificate if that is turned in by this Wednesday, May 6.  The May Reading record has been sent home and will be due on Friday, May 15 as well as all homework.

We have three more students that have joined the ranks of reading 100 books--Dante, Kylee and Kelsie have all read 100 books!!  Dante keeps reading and has almost reached 150 books!  For every 25 books read, your child can receive a book and a treat.  The conclusion of this challenge is Friday, May 15.  I will not accept lists after that date.

I sent home the permission slip for the two May field trips (museum and swimming).  I have enough parents to accompany us to the museum, but could use one or two more helpers on swimming day.  If you can help with the swimming field trip please send me an e-mail.  I have also had one parent volunteer to help with water  balloons for our field day on May 15 (big, busy day).  If you could help with water balloons (filling them up and getting them to the park by 11:00 a.m.) you can also send me an e-mail.  For the museum field trip, all students have ordered a school sack lunch (yay!).  I failed to mention that if you child is on reduced or free lunch that that lunch will be covered as if they are eating at school.

Today my students that were in attendance took a reading test.  It is called RLA--it is a reading inventory test that puts your child on a specific reading level.  I was excited as the longer they are with the examiner the more they are reading.  We took the whole half an hour to test and then some so my little first graders are becoming better readers!!   On Friday, we take the DIBELS reading assessment.  I will make pancakes before they take that test.  I will make them first thing that morning, and we will test at 10:00 a.m.  Please help your child by getting them to bed on time the night before.

I am reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and on the last Wednesday of school, May 20, we along with Mrs. Vogel's class will watch the original version of the movie (rated G with Gene Wilder) and have popcorn and chocolate.  I wanted to make you aware that we will be watching that movie in class.  If any of you have concerns with that movie please again, don't hesitate to e-mail me.

This is the last week for Take-home books and the last week that students can check out library books.  All library books will be due on May 15!  If your child returns both of their books and/or pays the appropriate fine they will be able to get a book to keep on Friday May 15.  Please turn in all take-home books by Friday, May 8 or pay the $5.00 fine to the office.

Lastly, it's Teacher Appreciation week and I so appreciate being your child's teacher.  This is a beautiful class of students, one that I will miss dearly.  As part of this week of festivities, tomorrow the students were encouraged to wear their teacher's favorite color tomorrow--my favorite color is green :)

Happy Reading!!