Monday, August 29, 2016

Newsletter August 29 - September 2

I hope that you all are enjoying or enjoyed the PTA sponsored Luau tonight.   I worked at the ticket counter for about an hour and saw a few of my students!  I am still working and can hear the fun  going on outside my window.  We really have a supportive PTA here at East and I loved that most of the fun was "free" tonight!!

This Friday, is picture day.  I sent home an information packet last week.  All students will get their picture taken, but if you want prints made please send back that packet this Friday.  I believe that you can also pay online for prints. 

The August Home reading calendar is due this Thursday, September 1.  Please help you child with their nightly reading (10 minutes each school night).  Our take home library books will start soon as soon as all of our initial testing is complete at the end of this week.  My guess is that it will start as early as the day after Labor Day.  I will keep you posted.  Remember when the take-home books get sent home I will expect  those books to be reread 3 times each and returned daily.

You may have noticed in your child's folder "take-home" activities from our reading program.  These activities are optional, but can be used as part of your child's 10 minutes of reading as they are literacy activities.  Today a sheet came home where the students can cut up letters and manipulate them into words.  Let me know if you have questions about these activities.

We are continuing to work on addition concepts in math.  Today we learned the "Additive Identity Property of 0" (when you add zero to a number, the sum is that same number).  Tomorrow we will learn about the "Commutative Property of Addition" (the order of the addends does not affect the sum i.e 3 + 4 = 7 so 4 + 3 = 7).  In our listening and learning portion of our reading program we have finished up the Fables portion and will now move onto Folktales.  We have learned the fables are short stories that teach a lesson or moral and often have animals that act as humans (personification). Ask your child about their favorite fable or a lesson that they learned from one of the fables.

We welcomed a student teacher to our classroom today.  Mystica Montoya will be with us for the next six weeks.  She just returned from an internship in Spain where she taught English classes all summer.  She will be great addition to our classroom as she learns the craft of teaching.

Please continue to remind your students to keep their behavior cards "green".  We are still learning correct first grade behavior and it is taking a bit longer this year.  I would appreciate the extra help at home as you ask your child if they have been a "helpful first grader."

Remember that next Monday is the Labor Day Holiday and Happy Reading!!


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