Monday, August 26, 2019

Newsletter August 26 - August 30

Sorry this is a bit late today.  I stayed to help with the luau after school.  When I left around 6:00 it was still going strong.  We have a great PTA at East Elementary.  It was nice seeing a couple of you tonight.

Here are this week's happenings:

  • I hope that you looked at your child's Behavior Charts that were sent home last Friday.  I usually have a "key" of the colors printed on the back but got a bunch of extra copies from a different teacher and she didn't have that on the back.  So if your child is "green" or in the blue/purple" range they are where they need to be.  Need to be for their learning and for the learning of others.  If they have any yellow, orange or red then they need some guidance with their behavior at school.  Honestly, this class has been one where we have had to stop and practice behaviors a lot.  Today we made some commitments and promises they are: 1.  We will share.  2.  We will keep our hands to ourselves.  3.  We will use nice words.  4.  We will listen.  5.  We will try our BEST.  We (not all) need to especially work on listening and keeping our hands to ourselves.  Please help by looking at your child's behavior chart every Friday and talking to them about respectful school behavior (which really is respectful life behavior).
  • Today we had library and students were able to check out two books.  They were excited about their choices.  Those books would be great to get out and read for their 10 minutes of reading each school night.  Please keep track of these books and return them to school by next Monday so that your student can check out more books.
  • Don't forget to help your child remember to turn in their "sight word soldier" pass off note by Wednesday! 
  • If you signed up to volunteer in my classroom I will start needing you (except sight word soldier volunteer--thanks Mrs. Robinson) the week after Labor Day.  I will contact you personally!  If you'd like to help and didn't sign up send me an e-mail and we can arrange a time.
  • In our learning we are still reviewing sounds and spellings for those sounds.  We are practicing our handwriting and learning about nouns (right now we know that nouns name a person).  This first unit is a big review.  In math today we learned about adding zero to a number.  We learned that when you add zero to a number that the sum is always the other number or addend.  Tomorrow we will learn about adding in any order ( 3 + 2 = 5 so 2 + 3 = 5)  On Wednesday we will have our first math intervention groups where we will be working on our first skill of using pictures to add.  Today we read the fable "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing" and we will next read the Fox and the Grapes.  We are talking about the characters, setting and plot as well as the  moral of each fable we read.  Today we learned about "personification"in fables where animals act like a "person".  
  • Notes about the Take-home library and books were sent home today.  Please read that and sign and return the bottom portion. I anticipate that those books will start coming home the week after Labor Day but I haven't heard a definitive answer yet.  
I hope that you all have a nice 3-day weekend!  Enjoy the last remaining days of summer with your family and friends!

Happy Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

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