Monday, January 6, 2020

Newsletter January 6 - January 10

Welcome  back after a great break!  I felt like it was just the right amount of time.  New take-home books were sent home today as well as a new January reading calendar.  December reading calendars are due by this Thursday for a little treat, Pizza Hut coupon and certificate.

Here are this week's happenings:

  • Today we started "new" reading groups.  Most of my students have a new reading teacher or stay with me in my room now.  If you have questions about these groups please send me an e-mail.  We do the best we can at East to have small reading for ALL students regardless of reading level.  We also switched up our WIN groups ("What I Need" groups) in reading and writing today.  It's worked out that most of my students stay with me during this time, but rest assured wherever your child is during that time they are receiving instruction they need. 
  • In math, we have moved back to subtraction strategies.  We will concentrate on the counting back strategy as we feel that this is the most beneficial for students to understand as they subtract, but we will also learn other strategies such as "using 10 to subtract".  In this strategy students will use their knowledge of 10.  For example:  13 - 9 =  4, students use their knowledge of 9 + 1 = 10 then count up 3 more to make 13, from 9 to 13 is 4 or 1  + 3 so 13 - 9 = 4.  This is showing the relationship of addition to subtraction.  Some students "get it" others it's just an introduction. 
  • In reading we are still concentrating on decoding (sounding out) two syllable words and using the r-controlled vowels (ar, er, and or) in reading and writing.  We are reading from a non-fiction book and writing multiple sentences using facts.  By the end of this unit, students will be writing their first descriptive paragraphs based on information from the book.  
  • We will have a 100th day celebration on January 21--the day after MLK break.  I will send home information about that day by the end of the week.  There is just a little optional at home project that student can participate in (most of them really like it and feel badly if they don't do it).  Students can also dress up like they are 100 years old that day.  Watch for information about that day to come home this week.  
  • If you have any questions about your child's DIBELS scores I sent home please don't hesitate to contact me.  We can discuss that further during SEP week Feb. 3-7.  I just want you to get that week on your radar. School will dismiss at 2:30 every day that week. 
Happy Monday Reading,
Mrs. Armstrong

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