Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Newsletter January 18-21

I hope you all had a nice Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. One of my smart first graders said last week that "we are Martin Luther King's dream"!  I thought that was so wonderful!  

Look for new spelling words, Dolch words, decodeable books and a new poem in your child's backpack.  Also, if you haven't seen your child's Reader's Theater part please look for that and help them memorize their part.  It would also be helpful to cue them as to when they speak--say the part before theirs so that they know when to come in.  We are practicing this daily in class, but any help at home would be great. Remember that we will be performing this for Curriculum Night on Thursday, January 27th at promptly  6:00.

In math this week we will be starting a "classroom store".  If you have any empty boxes, empty cans, or plastic containers please send them to school with your child by THIS FRIDAY, January 21.  Suggestions for this would be empty cereal boxes, empty vegetable or fruit cans, empty two-liter soda containers etc.

Some of my students have been finishing the homework side of the math worksheet in class.  I encourage this if they are quick to finish the first side, but I have noticed that a lot of them do not do it correctly or leave things out.  I am going to have these students (those that "finish" the homework side in class) bring it home so that you can check over it. 

Most of my students have completed the DIBELS test, I am still doing a bit of assessing in class so that I can get report cards out.   Expect a report card and grade print out early next week. Please continue to read with your child nightly and help them complete their math homework, as this is a big part of their grade and more importantly the one-on-one attention is invaluable.

I am so enjoying this spring-like weather.  I am especially enjoying teaching my great first graders about the Water Cycle. They are so smart!  I keep telling them that they could be in a "college" science class. Ask them what they have learned.

Thanks for all of your help.  I could still use some more reading helpers in the morning from 9:00-10:30.  If you can help I am sure your child would love it.  Let me know if you can volunteer your time.

One last thing, I am extending the deadline for our January book order to this Friday, January 21.  Extra books would be helpful when we start our 100 Book Challenge.  You can even find books that are just $1.00.

Calendar items:
January 18-24:  Jesse is "Star of the Week"
January 19:  Skylar's 1/2 Birthday
January 24-28:  Dallas is "Star of the Week"
January 27:  Curriculum Night 6:00 p.m. Reader's Theater Performance
January 28:  Assembly at 2:00 and Celebrate James' Birthday

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