Monday, February 8, 2021

Newsletter February 8 - February 12

 It has been nice to be back after my 10 day quarantine.  We are still  working on correcting behavior and I would appreciate your support at home with this.  Please ask your child about how they did on their behavior chart DAILY.  Work with them about respecting those around them, working hard and being kind.  Today there was a sub in PE and several students just left he PE room and I could tell she was frazzled afterwards.  From now on if students are disruptive, not following the rules, leaving the room without permission or being unkind in PE they will go to Eagle Support rather than participate with our class for PE the following week.   

Thanks for making the time to visit with me last week for SEP's.  It really is important to support your child's education and meeting with me shows them that support. 

We celebrated our 100th Day just a bit late after my return.  We have now been in school 104 day.  I consider that a victory especially this year! 

Here is what's happening this week:

  • Valentine's NEED to be sent tomorrow.  Remember that we will fill them out here in class, but they need to quarantine for 72 hours before delivery on Friday.  Just send the box with your child's name on it.  Valentine's with a candy treat included are just fine too--just again make sure they come tomorrow and write your child's name on the box.  I have bought a few boxes for those that cannot send them, but honestly can't do that for the whole class.  So far I have only had a handful of students bring them.  Please let me know if this is an issue for you.  
  • This Thursday our school nurse will present a Dental Health lesson to our class.  
  • Along with the behavior issues I previously mentioned, I have removed supplies from student desks.  So far I think that is helping as much of the issues centered around students playing with and/or breaking supplies.  When I came this weekend to get that ready I noticed several sticky desks as students were squishing their glue sticks on the inside of their desks.  Pencil boxes and optional supplies sent at the beginning of the year will be sent home. 
  • We are catching up on our learning--in math we are revisiting related facts or fact families.  We will continue with variations on this concept all week.  Today, for example, we started with a problem like 14 - 8 = where students had  to figure out the missing part (6) and then plug that into other equations (8 + 6 = 14, 6 + 8 = 14 or 14 - 6 = 8).  
  • In reading and writing we will be working on paragraph writing for a while--well the remainder of the year actually.  Today we started describing marshmallows using adjectives and our five senses.  We will use those ideas to write great marshmallow sentences (Marshmallows are white and feel sticky., for example).  We will then use those sentences to write a descriptive paragraph about marshmallows. We will then learn more about Groundhogs and write a descriptive paragraph about Groundhogs and then move onto writing descriptive paragraphs about animal habitats.  
  • Take-home books were sent home today.  We are getting less and less returning and sending those back.  I know it's not as easy to remember this year since they don't come home daily and return daily, but please try and use these as it's the only "homework" I ask is for nightly reading.  Remember take home books come home every Monday (three books) and need to be returned on Thursday (if you get them back Friday it will work too).  If you miss the Monday fill up then you miss out on a whole week of books essentially.  
  • On Wednesday we will start having WIN groups.  These are "What I Need" groups.  We will only have them once a week due to COVID issues, but we have been given the green light to start these.  These groups will be made up from all of the first grade students.  They are essentially groups to give the students "what they need" in language arts (we chose this since we are limited this year).  Students are placed in groups and are given extra support in reading and writing, given more practice on the skills we are learning right now, or given extension.  If you child tells you they went to a different class on Wednesday they did!  We will make sure that when students go to a different classroom that sanitization measures are taken (that's the reason for only once a week).  These groups are very helpful for all students and we are excited to starting implementing them again. 
  • Library will resume this Thursday as we did not have library due to SEP's last week.  
  • Don't forget we have next Monday, February 15 off due to President's Day.  I was just reminded of that today--so yay for a 3-day weekend! 
Don't forget to send those Valentines TOMORROW and Happy Reading!

Mrs. Armstrong

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