Monday, February 14, 2011

Newsletter February 14-18

We had a fun, sugar-filled Valentine's Day!  Thanks to those who helped with our party.  Thanks also, to those who sent items to decorate our Valentine's Day cans.

There is a lot of things in your child's folder or backpack today.  Please sort through and find the note describing our 100-Book Challenge.  I challenged my students to read 100 books by May 20.  The note gives details about the challenge and lets you know how I will record their reading.  The books should be read to you, they should be read quite perfectly (not too hard or too easy) and can only count one time.  I think this challenge will really motivate my students to read.  Please help them with this at home!

I did not get a new poem sent home today, so please look for it on Tuesday.   I still have many students who come on Friday without their poetry journal and some have their journal that has not been removed from their backpacks and they haven't practiced at all.  Please practice at home so that they are comfortable enough with the text that they can read it with some expression.

If your child does not have a homework folder please let me know and I can get them a new one.  These folders really cut down on the mess in their backpacks and lets me get important information to you in an organized fashion.

Starting in March, I will be adding one more sentence on the spelling test.  This will not count as bonus points, but will be part of the test.  The reason that we teach spelling is so that they can transfer the list of words to their writing.  If your child frequently misses things on the sentence portion of the test, it might be a helpful to practice at home with them as you study the words. I will start now adding the second, but it will be bonus until the first week in March.

Thanks for visiting our blog!  As always, please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.  Happy Reading!!

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