Monday, May 14, 2012

Newsletter May 14-18

I sent home your child's DIBELS scores today, along with a sheet that gives tips on reading with your child.  I thought these tips would be helpful for reading with your child over the summer.  If any of you have questions or concerns about your child's most recent DIBELS scores please don't hesitate to ask.  I would be happy to meet with you personally to discuss the scores or make recommendations for summer reading.

This is our last week for spelling and sight words.  We will have the spelling test this Friday, before we head to the swimming pool.  I did not send home challenge words this time, since we will have limited time to take the test because of swimming.

Remember that all work is due this Friday, May 18th, including the May Reading Record.  I still have a few students that have not turned in their April reading record.  Those are worth 100 points and really bring your child's grade down if they are not turned in or if your child is  not reading.  The 100-book challenge is concluding this Friday too.  Congratulations to Preston and Carson, they are now official members of the 100-book club!

Wednesday is the PTA Walk-a-Thon.  Please make sure that your child wears good walking shoes that day.  We will all walk from 9:30-10:30.  Please encourage your child to collect donations from friends or family to help our school.  The donations are due Monday, May 21.  Your child can bring a water bottle that day too.

This will be the last week for parent reading volunteers.  Thank you so much for those of  you that have helped out consistently in my classroom.  The one-on-one help that you have given my students is invaluable!!

Thursday, May 17 is our last library day.  Make sure that you child brings back their library books by that day, or pays the fine for lost books.  Remember that each child that brings back their books will receive a free book to keep. Your child will no longer be receiving Take-Home books.  Please if you have one at home return it so that the Take-Home librarian can organize those books for the summer.  If you have lost your Take-Home book that cost is $5.00 to replace it.

Swimming is this Friday.  My students cannot wait!  Here are just a few reminders. The cost of swimming is $2.00.  We need to pay the Aquatic Center on Thursday, May 17.  Please have your child wear their swimming suit to school.  They can wear it under their clothes.  Have your child bring a towel, and dry underwear to change into afterwards.  Please send a plastic grocery bag too so that your child can put their wet clothes into the bag after swimming. I have four volunteers that are willing to swim with my class, but if you would like to come you are more than welcome to. After swimming, the school has a BBQ.  If your child normally brings a home-lunch, and would rather have the BBQ that day please make sure that they have money in their lunch account.

We are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in class and as a culmination of that reading I want to show the movie to my students.  I realized I should have asked if any of you object to your child watching the movie.  I will be showing the first version (not the Johnny Depp one), it is rated G.  If you do not want your child to watch this with our class let me know and I can arrange for another activity for your child.  We will hopefully watch it next Monday, or Tuesday afternoon.  It depends on when we finish the book.

Last thing, I promise!  School will dismiss at 2:30 on the last day of school, May 25th.  Remember our Reading Picnic is that day at 1:00 and you can take your child home with you afterwards.  It shouldn't last more than any hour.  We will be sitting on the floor for the "picnic" so if you would like to bring a blanket to sit on your are welcome to.

Happy Reading!

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