Monday, November 25, 2013

Newsletter November 25 -26

Brendan our November "Catch the Vision" winner

Angela and Jentri received their Blue Eagle!.
We will not have spelling words this week due to our Thanksgiving holiday.  Tomorrow we will have a little Thanksgiving party in our classroom starting at 2:00.  We will make Thanksgiving bracelets and "turkey cookies" out of Oreo cookies, and then watch Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving.  Thanks to Mrs. Ison for volunteering to help out with our party.

In math, we are still working on Unit 4.  I was hoping to test before Thanksgiving, but that's not possible. Today we almost completed lesson 4-4.  I sent home math homework 4-4 today.  This lesson used the "make-a-ten" strategy to subtract.  I will give you an example to help you with the homework.  Let's say the problem is 15-8=? The process is to use the smaller number and place that amount of counters in the first ten frame.  Then you add the amount of counters that is needed to "make-a-ten" in this case that would be 2.  Then you add more counters as you count up to 15, in this case it would be 5 more counters in the second ten-frame.  Since we added 7 more counters, and counted up 7 the answer is 15-8=7.  I hope this helps with the homework.  We will do lesson 4-6 on Monday and then I will review and test next Tuesday.  I want to get through unit 5 before we leave for Christmas break.

When we get back from Thanksgiving break, I will test all students that have not passed off Sight Word List #4.  Please help your child study these words at home as part of their 20 minutes of reading.

We have some exciting things coming up when we return from the break.  Our school was chosen by the Angel Flight organization to be the recipients of Santa flying to the airport and distributing presents to our students.  This will occur on December 10th, unless the weather is a factor, and then it will be postponed for later that week.  We also as a class have been asked to make decorations for a tree at Zions bank, we then will be able to deliver those ornaments and help decorate the tree.  I just found out about this so I will send home information about this early next week.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving break.  I love your children, and most times refer to them as "my kids" instead of my students.  I am grateful to be their teacher.

Happy Reading!

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