Saturday, October 8, 2011

Newsletter October 10-14

It was wonderful to visit with all of you last week.  I have such a great bunch of first graders!  I brag all of the time to my colleagues about the extraordinary parental support I have this year.  It is evident to me that you read with your children nightly, and that you help them get their homework done.  Parental support is so valuable in a child's education and my students have great help at home.  Thanks again!

This week is Red Ribbon Week.  I sent home a flier on Friday stating what the school will be doing each day.  Each day the kids can "dress up" according to the theme.  For example, Monday, October 10 is Crazy Socks Day.   Look for the note if you haven't seen it yet, so that your child can participate if they want to.

I told some of you this at SEP conferences, but most I did not tell because I was not informed until Wednesday afternoon.  We are going to discontinue our "Walk to Read" program on October 18.  If your child goes to another teacher during   our literacy block (9:00-10:30 daily, except Wednesday), they will now come to my class.  If you help during that reading time with another teacher you will now come to my class.  I will contact those of you that help out next week to explain how I will use you in my classroom.  Thanks to those that have volunteered to come in and help at 11:00-11:45.  I can always use volunteers to listen to students read so if you are willing let me know and I will gladly have you!

I want to include a listening center as part of my literacy block.  To do this, I am I am in need of portable CD players--the pre-Ipod era players.  If you have one of these portable players, with headphones laying around ready to go to the DI please send it my direction instead.

Our math program now has a fact worksheet with nearly every lesson.  I will give it to the students daily, and hope that they will finish both sides in class.  If they don't finish both sides in class, I will have them bring it home for homework.  Look for this along with their regular math homework.

I sent home our "Moon Bag" today for the first time.  I showed this to you at our conference last week.  Please help you child find the moon and draw it on the next page.  Please remember to date the page.  Also, if they can't see it you can have them draw what they see in the sky, or visit the internet for a better "picture".  Please return the "Moon Bag" the following day so that another student can get the opportunity. If your child happens to bring the "Moon Bag" home on a Friday, you may have them draw the moon three times, or just once.   I think this will be a fun month, full of excited "Moon Watchers"!

If you haven't sent an apple with your child yet, please do it by Tuesday, October 11.  We are going to put in our witches eyes and teeth that day and start the "drying" process.  Remember also, that we are going to the Pumpkin Patch this Thursday.  If you haven't sent the $1.00 donation please do so no later than Thursday.

One last thing, I sent home the October Scholastic book orders today (Monday, October 10) with your child.  The book orders will be due October 17.  I have included a letter with the orders about online ordering.  This is just another option on how to order books.  You can still send the orders back with a check or cash the traditional way. If you order online, it is also due October 17. One book suggestion is:  "Splat the Cat's Halloween".

Have a great Fall week and Happy Reading!

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