Monday, January 2, 2012

Newsletter January 2-6

Welcome Back!!  I was reminded again today why I love my job so much.  It was great to be back with your wonderful children.

We are jumping right back into first grade work.  I sent home a new spelling list, sight words, spelling homework, and a new poem for your child to practice for our Friday performances. I told you a while back, that I would soon count the spelling dictation sentence as part of the overall score on your child's spelling test.  After this week, the dictation sentence will no longer count as just bonus points. During you spelling practice, it might be beneficial to have your child write a sentence or two.  Remember to emphasize correct capitalization at the beginning of the sentence, make sure the spelling word or words are spelled correctly and that the sentence ends in a period.  Right now that is the only punctuation that I will be using.

The December reading record is now due.  I included a January reading record in your child's backpack today.  Please, (I can't emphasize enough) keep reading with your child for 20 minutes each school night.  Our next DIBELS testing will be on Thursday, January 12.

The end of our 2nd quarter will be Friday, January 13.  I will send home a grade print out and the results of our DIBELS test shortly after that date.  If you need your child's power school access code let me know and I can get it for you.  That way you can check to see if they have any missing assignments.

We are going to have a fun January, full of snowman art and writing and plenty of science.  We will start our unit on the States of Matter this week, followed by a unit on the Water Cycle.  This is a fun unit, with plenty of experiments.  Your child will soon know words, like condensation, evaporation, or precipitation, and will be able to  distinguish between a solid, liquid, and gas.

We have a new student, Morgan McCallister.  He comes to us from Tucson, Arizona.  It was neat to see my students welcome him and help guide him around a new school and classroom.  Welcome Morgan!

As always, please don't hesitate to call or e-mail me with questions or concerns.  Thanks for the nice Christmas gifts and Happy Reading!

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